Is your stubborn weight not responding to diet & exercise? Turn back to living your best life with gastric bypass in Nuevo Laredo. We can help you take the first step towards a healthier & happier lifestyle.

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Watch How WLS in Nuevo Laredo Changes Patient’s Life

Are you ready to experience the amazing benefits of gastric bypass surgery in a Mexico town? Read on to know everything about this weight loss surgery. See how it brings a positive change in your life.

Before & After: Gastric Bypass in Nuevo Laredo

You can notice a visible transformation in patients after surgery, as shown in the pictures below:

Before Gastric Bypass

Before Surgery

After Gastric Bypass in Nuevo Laredo

8 Months After Surgery

Now, dive a little deeper to know what gastric bypass is & how it is done.

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Is Gastric Bypass in Nuevo Laredo the Best Choice?


Did you know?

A recent study says that by 2025, the global obesity rates will reach 18% for males & exceed 21% for females.[1]

Bariatric surgery is the most effective evidence-based treatment for obesity nowadays.[2]

Gastric Bypass Mexico

Happy Patient After Gastric Bypass Results

Obesity Without Surgery

There are more risks in living with obesity than having a surgery.

In fact, you are prone to diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, & more if you are obese.[3]

Surgery for Obesity 

The chances of premature death over 5 years are reduced with surgery.[4]

RYGB is less invasive & less costly than other weight loss procedures.

Gastric bypass is one of the most dominant procedures accounting for ~ 90% of all operations worldwide.[5] Just like every other surgery, RYGB can have risks too but they are minimal. Thus, making it one of the best options.

We understand that planning for weight loss surgery abroad is not an overnight decision. There are many factors to consider. So, we will address them one by one. First, let’s talk about why Nuevo Laredo can be the place of choice.

Why Should I Visit Nuevo Laredo for Gastric Bypass?


Did you know?

According to CDC, over 42% of Americans are obese, which is the highest rate in the U.S.[6]

Being a popular destination for medical tourism, Nuevo Laredo is home to experienced surgeons. It is an ideal place for gastric bypass surgery due to:

A. Big Savings

You save approx. 70% on the WLS by traveling to Nuevo Laredo. On the contrary, the procedure may cost you a pretty penny in the US.

Here's the cost of gastric bypass & bariatric surgery abroad.

B. Proximity to the US

The closest US border city to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico is Laredo, Texas (10 miles only).

People also drive from San Antonio to Nuevo as it takes only 2 hr 39 min (161 miles).

Similarly, San Diego, TX to Nuevo  is ~93 miles with ~1 hr 47 min drive across the border.

Interstate 35 runs through Dallas, Austin & San Antonio till Laredo, Mexico.[7]

So, most North Americans reach here by car or taxi.

San Diego to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

San Diego to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

C. Top-Notch Medical Facilities

With years of practice in gastric bypass & other WL surgeries, our partner surgeons have mastered the skills.

In addition, they have all the necessary equipment to perform:

Robotic Surgery System

Robotic Surgery System

D. Travel & Stay Assistance

Our partner provider in Nuevo wants you to have a pleasant trip.

So they offer these services:

  • Free Airport pickup/drop-off
  • Follow up plans
  • Personal assistant
  • Comfortable hotel stay

Airport pickup in Nuevo Laredo

Airport Pickup in Nuevo Laredo

E. Bilingual Staff

You can easily communicate with your doctor because the entire medical staff speaks English. Everyone is friendly & ready to address your doubts.

F. Comprehensive Patient Care

The clinics have a network of industry professionals like:

  • Nutritionists
  • Psychologists
  • Internal Medicine

Therefore, they can provide thorough care to patients during & after surgery. Now that you have affordable bariatric surgery available on the Mexico-US border, why fly to distant countries?

Want to know how much is gastric bypass in Nuevo Laredo? Scroll down to see the price table.

Cost of Gastric Bypass in Nuevo Laredo

The price of gastric bypass in Nuevo varies from $6,799 - $7,199 (depending on the BMI status), saving you ~ 70%. But, the same surgery in the US may cost you between 22,000 - $26,500.

Similarly, the cost of weight loss procedures in Canada may shoot up to $22,000.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Nuevo Laredo Vs US, Canada
Procedure Nuevo Laredo US Canada
Gastric Bypass $6,799* – $7,199^ $22,000 – $26,500 $20,000 – $22,000
Mini Gastric Bypass $6,599* – $6,999^ $16,000 – $19,000 $15,000 – $16,500
*BMI under 50, ^BMI over 50
Note: Hospital Nights/Days: 1

Moreover, the Nuevo Laredo surgical packages for gastric bypass are cost-effective as they include:

  • Surgical fees
  • Transportation | Hotel charges
  • Hospital fees
  • Pre-op evaluation | Nutritional

Low-cost gastric bypass is also available in Mexican cities like Cancun, Mexicali, Puerto Vallarta, and Tijuana.

Save ~70% on gastric bypass!

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Best Gastric Bypass Surgeons in Nuevo Laredo

The weight loss clinic in Nuevo Laredo is led by a top bariatric surgeon, a team of nurses, patient coordinators, and medical staff.Dr. Galileo Villarreal is one of the leading bariatric surgeons in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Let's get to know him well!

Dr. Galileo Villarreal
Dr. Galileo Villarreal

13+ years



Advanced Laparoscopy & Obesity Surgery


Medical School Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

  • Certificates: Mexican Council of General Surgery, Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery, Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
  • General Medicine Professional ID: 6204127
  • General Surgery Specialization License Number: 4502105
  • Mortality rate: Zero
  • Complication rate: Less than 1%
Watch on YouTube
Dr. Galileo Villarreal, Top Bariatric Surgeon in Nuevo Laredo

Click here to know more about him. Our medical experts ensure a successful patient outcome. Don’t believe us? Then, watch these video testimonials & read the reviews.

Gastric Bypass Reviews in Nuevo Laredo

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Watch Richard From Illinois Sharing His WLS Experience

Gastric Bypass: Gold Standard to Weight Loss

Gastric bypass or Roux-en-Y is a bariatric surgery that helps you lose weight.

It changes the way how your stomach & small intestine absorb the food you eat.[8]

After surgery, you have a smaller stomach.

Moreover, not all the calories are taken up from your food, so you feel satiated with less food.

Gastric bypass is performed in 3 ways:[9] open, laparoscopic and robotic.

Roux-en-Y Bariatric Surgery

Roux-en-Y Bariatric Surgery

Benefits of Laparoscopy Over Open Surgery

  • Less painful
  • Minimally invasive
  • Short hospital stays & fast recovery
  • Small scars & less risk of hernia or infections

Source: MedLine Plus[10]

Why Is Gastric Bypass Done?

With the growing obese population, there is a rising demand for procedures like gastric bypass. Moreover, the goal is to downsize potentially life-threatening weight-related problems.[11]


Did you know?

With gastric bypass, you can lose about 100 pounds of excess weight.[12]

Surgeons perform gastric bypass to:[13] [14]

  • Reverse type 2 diabetes
  • Stop heartburn
  • Achieve weight loss, not restored with other methods
  • Reduces the risks of stroke, cancer (esophageal adenocarcinoma, resulting from GERD), and infertility
  • Lower the risk for high BP, sleep apnea, heart problems

Treat Obesity with RYGB Surgery

Treat Obesity with RYGB Surgery

Who Can Have Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Every patient needs to qualify for certain medical guidelines for weight-loss surgery. To check whether you are an ideal candidate for gastric bypass or not, you are likely to undergo an extensive screening.[15]

Our partner clinic for gastric bypass treat severe obesity for patients with:

  • Age: 18 - 65 years
  • BMI of 40 kg/m2 or higher, or 35 kg/m2 to 39.9 kg/m2 with comorbidities.
  • BMI = 35 + 1 of these conditions like sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes

You might not qualify if you:[16]

  • Are pregnant
  • Are < 18 years of age
  • You are addicted to alcohol
  • Have bleeding in the stomach
  • Have severe heart or lung disease
  • Have peptic ulcer or an inflammatory condition of the GI tract (the main ones are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)


Medical Staff Do Screening Before Surgery

Gastric Bypass in Nuevo Laredo – What to Expect?

You can expect to stay for 1 day/night in the hospital & 1-2 days (or more) in the hotel. Here’s how to prepare well for a gastric bypass surgery before & after the procedure.

Patients have to pay heed to weight maintenance strategies:

  • Smokers must stop smoking weeks before surgery
  • A licensed dietician will perform the nutritional evaluation
  • Counseling is done for both psychological & emotional readiness
Preparation for Gastric Bypass
Preparation for Gastric Bypass

Physicians will take:

  • Detailed past medical & surgical history followed by physical examination
  • Tests & pre-op Imaging: Blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, and other tests.

Source: National Library of Medicine[17]

Note: You can fill pre-bariatric surgery questionnaire for pre-surgical evaluation.

After you receive general anesthesia, your surgeon will:[18]

 Step 1: Reduce stomach size

  • The surgeon divides the stomach into a small upper (pouch) & larger bottom section with staples
  • A walnut size pouch holds about 28 grams of food, so you eat less & lose weight

Step 2: Bypass

  • Next, they attach the part of the small intestine to the new pouch
  • Close the incisions with staples or stitches

Surgery Time: 2 to 4 hours

Gastric Bypass Procedure
Gastric Bypass Procedure

In the Hospital

You can expect the nurse to monitor your vital signs & symptoms (pain or nausea). You will:[19]

  • Switch from IV to oral pain medication.
  • Get your urinary catheter removed the day after your surgery.
  • Sit & walk a little on the same day after surgery by day 1 or 2 after surgery.
  • Wear compression stockings and take a blood thinner
  • Drink clear liquids on the 2nd day after surgery, then full liquids with a protein shake (if tolerating).
Take Oral Medicines
Take Oral Medicines
Drink Clear Fluids
Drink Clear Fluids

Aftercare: Gastric Bypass Surgery

Once you reach back home, follow these instructions after discharge:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water/day
  • Avoid certain ingredients such as added sugars & caffeine
  • Take nutritional supplements (multivitamins, calcium, iron) as directed by your doctor
  • Avoid driving for about one week or as directed by your doctor ( or until you are off all pain meds)
  • Advance to soft foods & then solids foods (about 7 weeks after surgery)
  • Walk 2 miles a day or more by the 6th week after surgery (avoid strenuous activity for 3 - 6 weeks)

Source: Very Well Health[20]

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How to Take Care After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Note: Each patient will receive personalized advice for a proper diet.

So, please follow the food & exercise guidelines by your doctor & dietitian to avoid complications.

Success Rate of Gastric Bypass Surgery

On average, gastric bypass patients initially lose nearly 70% of their extra body weight. After two years or more, they may regain about 5% of their excess body weight.[21]

Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass

Success Rate: Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass

The long-term success of WLS surgery depends on the patient’s willingness to change their lifestyle, eating & exercise routine.

Management of blood sugar, blood pressure, and other health conditions become easy after gastric bypass surgery.

Remission of Comorbities After Gastric Bypass
Remission of Comorbities After Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass & Life Expectancy

Gastric bypass can add years to your life by reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, & cancer.

In obese patients, gastric bypass can reduce the risk of death by 40%.

More specifically, there is 56% reduction in death from coronary artery disease, 60% from cancer, and 92% from diabetes.[22]

Life Expectancy After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Life Expectancy After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Let's now talk about another standalone weight loss procedure - mini gastric bypass surgery abroad.

Is Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Better Than RYGB?

Yes, the mini-gastric bypass has outpaced the limitations of the classical RYGB procedure.

With only one anastomosis, it is relatively easy to perform, revise or reverse.[23]

  • Low complication rate
  • Low-risk, durable weight loss
  • Quick procedure with an excellent outcome

RYGB Vs Gastric Bypass

RYGB Vs Gastric Bypass
Watch on YouTube
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Has Amazing Results

Travel Tips to Nuevo Laredo Nuevo

Laredo is a city across the US border from Laredo, Texas.[24] You can easily reach the city from Texas.


Did you know?

The twin cities, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo, are called Los Dos Laredos as they once shared the first baseball team known as The Owls of the Two Laredos.[25]

Click the tabs below to read about the tips that ease your journey.

I. By Land

If you enter Laredo, Texas, you can cross over to the Mexican border via one of the 3 international bridges – 1, 2, & 4.

You can access bridge 1 from downtown Laredo, Texas. It is the shortest and most direct route.[26]

Also, it directly connects you to downtown Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

You can also travel using the Greyhound Mexico bus service that arrives at Laredo station.[27]


Time Taken to Drive from US Cities to Nuevo Laredo
US City (TX) Duration Distance
San Antonio 2 hr 39 min 161 Miles
Austin 3 hr 59 min 240 Miles
Houston 5hr 25min 320 Miles
Dallas 6hr 58min 434 Miles

II. By Air

Houston and Dallas have regular direct flights to Laredo International Airport (LRD), TX. But San Antonio (3hr 44min)Corpus Christi (4hr 34min), & Austin (3hr 44min) have one-stop flights (layover in Dallas).

Direct/Non- Stop Flights from Texas Cities to Laredo Airport (LRD), TX
Texas City Flight duration Flight Cost
Houston (IAH) ~ 1hr 24min ~ $250
Dallas (DFW) ~ 1hr 41min ~ $247
Airlines: United, American
Note: Car duration from LRD to Nuevo Laredo clinic is 28 min only.

Ensure the following items are in your bag before your leave:[28]

  • Valid U.S. passport book/card
  • Valid proof of automobile registration (if driving)
  • Return ticket & proof that hotel reservations resonate with the period of stay
  • Entry permit (Forma Migratoria Multiple or FMM) by Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM)

There are ample places to explore, but here are the 5 things to do in Nuevo Laredo:

  • New Market
  • Avenida Guerrero
  • InterAmerican Highway
  • Zoologico de Nuevo Laredo
  • Mercado Maclovio Herrer

Nuevo Laredo

Is Nuevo Laredo Safe for Medical Tourists?

Yes, it is safe if you are vigilant enough to follow safety instructions like:[29]

  • Avoid night travel
  • Stay tuned to local media
  • Don’t flash your cash or jewellery
  • Keep your passport & other travel docs safe
  • Don’t smoke in public places (or else pay fine)
  • Pack a travel health kit (basic & prescribed meds)

For public safety, military & federal police forces are deployed to improve security conditions. They combat crime by:[30]

  • Street patrolling
  • Setting up roadblocks
  • Random vehicle checking

Watch this video to know how safe gastric bypass is in Nuevo Laredo!

Watch on YouTube
The Gastric Bypass Surgery Is Completely Safe: Doctor’s Opinion

FAQs: Gastric Bypass in Nuevo Laredo

The cost of gastric bypass in Nuevo Laredo ranges from $6,799 – $7,199, depending on BMI. On the other hand, the same surgery might cost you between $22,000 – $26,500 in the major cities of the US.

For instance, gastric bypass price in Texas ranges from $12,121 to $19,250. So, it’s clear that gastric bypass is much cheaper & affordable in Laredo, Mexico.

Recent studies show that bariatric surgery is related to longer life expectancy than usual obesity care. With obesity it reduces by 5 to 20 years. But with surgery, the survival rate improves by 3 years.[32]

In the gastric sleeve, a portion of the stomach is removed. But in bypass surgery, the small bowel is redirected towards a gastric pouch.

Weight loss with a sleeve gastrectomy usually takes longer than with a gastric bypass. Let’s see the difference:[33]Gastric Bypass vs Sleeve

Difference Between Gastric Bypass & Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Bypass Gastric Sleeve
More successful WL outcome Less successful WL outcome
Fast & more weight loss Slow & less weight loss
Most common (46% of all bariatric procedures) Next common (40% of all procedures)
More effective in reducing comorbidities (HTN, dyslipidemia) Less effective in reducing comorbidities (HTN, dyslipidemia)
More early & late surgical complications, micronutrient deficiencies Less early & late surgical complications, micronutrient deficiencies

If you plan to undergo gastric bypass, you can expect to shed 50% to 70% of excess weight within the first 2 years after surgery.[34]


With MTC, you can redefine yourself while exploring the most popular medical destinations. It’s time to take control of your weight & health with gastric bypass surgery in Nuevo Laredo.

Shed extra pounds and save big!

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