Are you thinking of orthopedic surgery abroad because your treatment in the USA is costly? You'll be glad to know that thousands of foreign patients choose this alternative. In this guide, we will help you explore your options for medical tourism for orthopedics.

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Going overseas for your joint surgery can help you save money and eliminate waiting times. However, it is necessary to know these and other perks in detail. We have listed the top four for you right here!

What Are the Benefits of Orthopedic Surgery Abroad?

People opt for orthopedic surgery abroad for several reasons. These include:

1. Saving 60-70%  than U.S/Canada treatment cost

2. No Waiting Times

3. Luxury medical care in the budget

4. A holiday along with the surgery

5. Medical tourism companies offering incentives

1. Orthopedic Surgery Abroad Is More Affordable

By far, the biggest reason why people do orthopedic surgery abroad is because of the price.

For example, you can expect to pay $20,000 for total knee replacement surgery in the US. Also, hip replacement surgery can set you back anywhere from $25,000 to $74,000.

Compare that to Mexico, where you'll pay only $9,000 for knee replacement surgery. Even your hip replacement surgery is a mere 21% (i.e., $16,000) of the price quoted in the USA.

Orthopedic Surgery Cost Comparison (USD) – The USA vs Mexico
Procedure United States Mexico
Knee Replacement Surgery $20,000 $9,000
Hip Replacement Surgery $25,000 to $74,000 $16,000
Hip Joint Resurfacing Surgery $45,000 $17,500
Shoulder Replacement $20,000 $10,000
ACL Reconstruction $25,000 $4,900
Knee Arthroscopy $18,000 $3,700
*Prices are subject to change.

The cost of surgery is lower in many countries compared to the US.

Compared to the USA, Mexico is far more affordable, regardless of which type of surgery you're completing. For example, if you're doing a total knee replacement surgery in the USA, you can expect to pay $20,000. In Mexico, it's less than half that price.

It is because of the higher cost of labor in the States. We know that if the cost of labor is less, the price of everything decreases.

It includes everything from the building where the procedure takes place to the cost of food provided by the hospital.

So if you're uninsured and can't afford surgery inside the United States, traveling abroad is a practical option. Hip replacement in Izmir, Turkey is another good option.

2. No Waiting Times

A long waiting period can aggravate your medical condition.
The average time in Canada to get a consultation with a specialist is 10.2 weeks and that in the USA is around 9.4 weeks. The period from consultation to treatment is even longer.

Thankfully, countries like India and Mexico offer easy and quick medical appointments. Here, you can always get the treatment in your choice of week.

3. Luxury Medical Care

Many hospitals abroad provide spa-like treatment for their patients.

Who'd say no to being pampered in a hospital that looks like a luxury hotel?

These hospitals also offer a private nurse that allows you to get fast services.

It is possible because these hospitals have more favorable staff-to-inpatient ratios.

Moreover, the state-of-the-art treatment helps with precision in less time.

Patient at Therapy -Anadolu Medical Center

4. Holiday Along With the Surgery

Before your orthopedic surgery, consider visiting the beaches and getting to know the local area. It is an opportunity to take that vacation you've been postponing for so long.

Also, places with the best and most affordable orthopedic facilities offer many fun activities. You could try out some local tacos and other delicious Mexican food if you're going to Mexico.

Now that we've covered the benefits of doing your orthopedic surgery abroad, you might be wondering, "Which country is the best for orthopedic surgery?"

5. Incentives by Medical Tourism Companies

Many insurance companies started promoting medical tourism to help patients save money.

Some implemented programs where a patient gets an assigned case manager. This case manager arranges everything:

  • Accommodation
  • Rides to and from the airport
  • Bookings with a trusted healthcare provider
  • All-inclusive package*
*The cost includes everything involved with the surgery like surgeon's fees, anesthesia charges, DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) pump cost, costs of implants, and cost of medication. The all-inclusive package also covers the cost of hotel room charges, generally up to five days.

These services are even available for uninsured patients. Think of a case manager as your assistant. They'll ensure that everything runs smoothly.

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Which Country Is the Best for Orthopedic Surgery?

Although orthopedic surgery abroad is more affordable than in the United States, you must select the proper country. You can choose from these top five locations for your orthopedic surgery:

For those living in the United States, traveling to Mexico isn't expensive. This makes it a popular choice for many Americans.

Cancun, Mexico | Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

In addition to cheap ticket prices, the cost of living in Mexico is significantly less than in the US.[1] Meaning you'll only pay a fraction of what you'd pay at home.

The low cost of living makes your overall trip more affordable. If you feel like spoiling yourself with great shopping in Mexico, you won't have to break the bank.

With breathtaking beaches and fantastic food, you can take a few weeks off and enjoy everything Mexico has to offer.

India is another country with a low cost of living[2] and highly trained surgeons.

Traveling to India from the United States or Canada can be a bit more expensive since it's on the other side of the world. However, it is an excellent choice for Australians looking for surgery abroad.

Taj Mahal, India | Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

Once you're there, you'll notice how professional the surgeons are. Many of them are trained in the United States. So, you can rest assured knowing that your surgeon is well trained and you're in good hands.

India is also an affordable place to live. Since living costs are so low, your accommodation, traveling, and hospital bills will be far cheaper than if you did your orthopedic surgery in the United States.

Spain is one of the most affordable places to visit in Western Europe.[3] With amazing beaches, culture, and museums, you can take some well-deserved time off after your surgery.

Many of Spain's surgeons are trained at world-renowned universities like the University of Barcelona and Valencia.

Spain | Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

Most of Spain's hospitals have English-speaking staff. If you're from the United States or Canada, then this is invaluable. The medical providers speak fluent English, so you jump the language barrier and avoid misunderstandings.

Known to most as the bridge between the West and the East, Turkey provides affordable yet advanced healthcare for citizens and visitors.

Istanbul, Turkey | Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

Although Turkey is one of the more expensive options on this list, its facilities and surgeons are state-of-the-art.

Many Turkish doctors are trained in the United States or Canada. They can speak English well and will ensure you have the best possible experience.

Like Mexico, Costa Rica shouldn't cost that much to travel to if you're from the United States or Canada.

Costa Rica | Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

They also have a low cost of living. You’ll need to earn around $16,000 per year[4] to live a comfortable life in Costa Rica compared to $84,000 in US cities like Seattle.[5]

It ensures that the cost of your orthopedic surgery is kept to a minimum. Your accommodation, travel expenses, and food will also cost far less than what you'd pay in the United States.

So even if you're taking out a loan, Costa Rica can be a practical option.

Last, when visiting Costa Rica, take a moment to appreciate the country's beauty!

How Do I Apply for Orthopedic Surgery Abroad?

Insurance Check

The first factor you'll need to consider when applying for orthopedic surgery abroad is budget. If you have insurance, check to see if your policy covers the treatment done overseas.

Ask your insurance company the following questions:

  • Is my orthopedic surgery abroad eligible for insurance cover?
  • Do you cover the total cost or a percentage?
  • What is the maximum benefit?
  • Will you pay directly to my healthcare provider?
  • Which countries do you cover?

If you don't have insurance, consider setting up a payment plan. Many health facilities are happy to let you pay the total for months or years. Since surgery abroad is far cheaper than within the USA, the monthly costs aren't as high.

You can also try alternative ways to finance your surgery abroad.

Finding Right Hospital and Surgeons

Next, you'll need to do thorough research.

You want to spend time looking at different hospitals' websites that do orthopedic surgery. Look at their surgeons' experience, testimonials of previous patients, and how much the procedure costs.

Once you've looked at several different websites, make a list of possible choices. Contact them via email or video call and find out if they are a good choice for you. This is the perfect opportunity to ask all the questions you want.

We can help you find the right surgeon in the country of your choice. Our short-listed hospitals and surgeons have a successful track record with past patients.

Book Your Medical Trip

Now that you've checked to see if your insurance covers your surgery and you have looked for the right hospital and surgeons, it's time to book your trip.

This is where the fun begins. Now it's almost like booking a holiday. Ensure your passport is valid and you have all the necessary paperwork like:

  • Airline tickets
  • Insurance documentation
  • Copies of identification documents
  • Drivers license

Top Hospitals for Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

Best Orthopedic Surgeons Abroad

Dr. Jesus Irineo Gallarzo Ramirez

20+ years

MD Orthopedics


Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery


Universidad Autonoma de Cd. Juarez

  • Fluent in English and Spanish.
  • Operated on several American citizens traveling to Mexico for orthopedic surgery.
Dr. Maximilian Greig

25+ years

MD Orthopedics


Orthopedic Surgery


National University of Mexico

  • Mexican Board Certified orthopedic surgeon.
  • Top surgeon at various hospitals in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Dr. Hans Ruiz Serna
Dr. Hans Ruiz Serna

9+ years

MD Orthopedics


Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery


Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS), Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico

  • Completed many orthopedic surgeries like bone fractures and hip replacements successfully.

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Available Orthopedic Procedures Abroad

Some of the most common orthopedic procedures done abroad include:


If you've decided not to take a vacation when traveling for your orthopedic surgery, then you might be wondering if you can fly immediately.

In most cases, it's safe to fly but not advisable.

Traveling long distances, especially with an airplane after surgery, can lead to blood clots. This condition is called deep vein thrombosis or DVT.

A few risk factors for DVT include:

  • Sitting in the same position for a long time
  • Pregnancy
  • A family history of blood clots
  • Obesity
  • An extended hospital stay

However, the research found that traveling by plane a few days after orthopedic surgery is safe.[6]

But if you want to be extra safe, consider taking a few days or weeks off. During this time, you can relax on the beach, get to know the locals, and visit famous museums. It lowers your chance of blood clots when flying long distances.

If you've just had total knee replacement surgery, then consider waiting a few days before flying. When you're on a plane, you're sitting for a long time, and you're not pumping blood out of your legs.

Also, in a plane, the cabin is less than atmospheric pressure. After you get total knee replacement surgery, you'll have slight swelling. The low pressure increases this swelling, which could lead to DVT.


Doing your orthopedic surgery abroad is more affordable than doing it inside the United States. You'll also get the opportunity to take a well-deserved vacation after your surgery.

If you have a few questions regarding your orthopedic surgery abroad, consider sending us an email, and we'd be glad to help.

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