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Dentistry in the USA is very expensive. Due to this reason, many Americans can’t afford proper dental care at the right time.

People tend to avoid extensive procedures like a Full Mouth Restoration.

As the prices rise, dental health in the United States is on a decline, and Full Mouth Restoration in Mexico shows growing popularity.

Full Mouth Restoration Mexico Before After

Full Mouth Restoration - Before and After

How Much is the Cost of Full Mouth Restoration in Mexico?

In the United States and Canada, the cost of full mouth restoration varies from about $22,000 to $80,000, depending upon your needs. The average price comes out to be around $50,000.1

In contrast, the average cost of Full Mouth Restoration in Mexico is about 70% less than that in the US and Canada. The final price will depend on the particular requirements of the patient.

The cost comparison of various procedures is as follows:

Full Mouth Reconstruction Price: Mexico vs US & Canada
Procedure Mexico (US$) US (US$) Canada (US$)
Dental Implants $960 $2,790 $3,000
Dental Implants + Crown $1,760 $4,000 $3,700
Composite Tooth Veneer $280-640 $1,360 $1,250
All-on-4 Dental Implants $8,765 $24,000 $29,000
All-on-6 Dental Implants $11,355 $25,000 $37,000
All-on-8 Dental Implants $13,945 $36,000 $34,000

From the above table, it is apparent that traveling to Mexico for full mouth rehabilitation can translate to huge savings.

According to the ADA, 59% of adults indicated that they had to forgo dental care due to cost.

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Top Dental Clinics in Mexico

There are multiple places in Mexico where you can get your treatment done. You can select which city will be best for you, considering all the aspects like travel time, and proximity to the border.

The cities to choose from are:

It is known as the molar city and is a popular dental tourism destination in the state of Baja California. It is just a 20-minute drive from Yuma, Arizona.

Our clinic in Los Algodones, Sani Dental Group, is the largest in the town. See more on Sani Dental Group here.

It is a border city only about 20 minutes from San Diego, California. Dr. Mexico Tijuana Dentist Center is among the top-rated dental clinics of the city.

Well-qualified specialists in implants have been working here for a long time. They have treated many patients who would vouch for the care they received.

It is a beautiful resort city in the state of Quintana Roo. Our dental clinic in Quintana Roo, Dentaris, is a member of various national and international associations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), and the American Dental Association (ADA).

The head clinician of Dentaris, Dr. Joaquin Berron, is a former assistant professor at the dentistry department of Louisiana State University (LSU).

He's even coordinated the university's implant fellowship program. See more on Dentaris Dental Clinic in Cancun here.

Dental work in Playa del Carmen is another attractive choice for patients looking to combine their treatment with a beach vacation. Located close to Cancun International Airport, Playa del Carmen offers convenient access to high-quality dental care.

Mexicali is a border city and is right across Calexico, CA. RamLanz Dental Clinic is one of the best dental clinics in Mexicali.  The ADA (American Dental Association) has certified the clinic. It has a track record of around 40 years.

Our network dental clinic in Puerto Vallarta, namely Unident, has been treating patients for 18 years.  There are seven well-qualified specialists for different kinds of dental problems.

The founder of the clinic, Dr. Benjamin Valle, is a current member of the Mexican Endodontics Graduates Association.

We work with Grupo de Especialidades Dental Clinic in Nuevo Laredo which is just 21 minutes from Laredo, Texas.

With over 16 years of experience in perfecting smiles and making patients happy, the dental clinic provides high-quality dental services at affordable prices.

What is Full Mouth Restoration?

  • Full mouth restoration is a series of planned treatments for various diseases or problems in a patient’s mouth. It aims to re-establish a healthy environment in the oral cavity.
  • Any problems ranging from tooth decay to missing teeth are taken care of under this treatment.
  • The craniofacial region of the body (the head and neck) functions as one unit. The slightest disturbance in any part of this complex can result in problems. For example, an anomaly in the bite of a patient may lead to the deviation of the jaw. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain may occur due to this, which radiates to the head and ear.
  • The procedure aims at maintaining a balance among the various structures involved.
  • The oral cavity (mouth) plays a massive part in this balance. Therefore, it is critical to address any problems in the mouth at the earliest.


Full Mouth Restoration Process

The various steps that the dentists perform are


The dental surgeon examines the various structures, including:

  • Teeth for cavities and decays.
  • TMJ and adjoining muscles for abnormalities of the joint and the muscles attached to it, e.g., clicking, deviation, and pain.
  • Gums for swelling, recession, and overgrowth.
  • Color, size, and shape of the teeth to determine the relationship with the surrounding muscles, and with the opposing teeth.

The examination requires photographs, X-rays, and impressions of upper and lower teeth.


The impressions so obtained are then used as molds in which suitable material is poured and casts replicating the patient’s mouth are prepared.

The assessment of these casts will tell the experts a lot more about the aberrations and inconsistencies in the mouth. They can help measure the bone height precisely and check the irregularity in the arch.


Multiple treatment options are available for different kinds of problems. The treatment also depends upon the condition of the patient’s mouth. The treatment options for damaged teeth are listed below:

1. Loss of teeth

  • Single Dental Implants

An implant is a screw-like object made of titanium, which is drilled into the jawbone. The number of implants depends on the number of missing teeth and their positions.

Implants can be used to replace a single tooth, or multiple implants can be used. Various systems of multiple implants are available. These are explained below:

  • Multiple or Full Mouth Dental Implants
  • All-on-4 Implants

Here, four implants are placed in the jawbone. The unique thing about them is the two anterior, or front implants are placed vertically whereas the two posterior or back implants are placed at an angle of 45 degrees.

This drastically increases the support provided by the back implants. See more on All on 4 Implants in Mexico here.

  • All-on-6/8 Implants

These resemble All-on-4, but instead of 4 implants, 6 or 8 implants are placed. The treatment option will depend on the quality and quantity of the bone left in the jaw.

These implants are topped with dentures. All of the teeth in an arch are replaced in one go.

2. Superficial damage:

  • Cavity filling: A simple filling is done with a suitable material which is the same color as the tooth.

3. Damage extending into the pulp:

  • Root Canal Treatment: In this dental procedure the dentist removes the pulp and infection, and fills the canal with a suitable material
  • Crown: Placing a crown on top of a tooth which has undergone RCT is essential so that the weakened tooth structure doesn’t break down.

4. Extensive damage beyond repair:

  • Extraction: The offending teeth are extracted under proper anesthetic cover.
  • Dental Implants: They can be single or multiple. Multiple implant systems include all-on-4 and all-on-6/8, which are suitable for a patient who has lost many teeth.

(A crown is placed after implants also. It goes over the abutment of the implant. This is done to restore the function and aesthetics of a natural tooth.)

  • Bridge: It is a way to replace missing teeth where the two teeth adjacent to the space are used for support. They are trimmed, and crowns are placed on them to which the actual pontic or replacement tooth is attached.
    Dental Bridge Mexico 5. Superficial discoloration:
  • Veneers: The surface is trimmed slightly, and a tooth-colored thin sheet of pre-shaped porcelain is cemented in place.


  • The instructions given by the dentist just after the procedure are crucial. These need to be followed exactly as they tell you to.
  • The dentist will also prescribe certain medications which will make it easier for you to recover from the trauma of the surgery. These may include painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to avoid development of any infection, post-op.
  • Pain and swelling of a less degree are quite common for a few days after the procedure. Warm saline rinses starting 24 hours after the surgery are usually recommended to help this swelling subside.
  • Regular cleaning of the operated site is imperative to avoid infections. Cleaning can be done using a finger or a very soft bristled toothbrush. Undue force can damage the tissues, so use only minimal force.
  • Any other habits like smoking or tobacco chewing are strictly prohibited. Smoking is one of the leading factors of dental implant failure.
  • If you feel anything out of the ordinary, be sure to contact your dentist and clear your doubts.

Full Mouth Restoration vs Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is done to improve or change the aesthetics of the patient’s smile. Hence, it is an elective procedure. Get information on smile makeover in Mexico here.

Full mouth restoration, however, is not only concerned with aesthetics, but also with the dental problems the patient faces.

These include decayed, missing, misaligned, discolored teeth, jaw augmentation, and implants.

The demand for full mouth restoration is growing across the world. Dental tourism in Mexico can help you say about 40-70% less than in the US.

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Generally, people who have multiple dental health problems are good candidates for complete mouth rehabilitation.

The dentist deals with various issues one by one and gives appropriate treatment over a period of a few months.

Full mouth reconstruction aims to bring the health and anatomy of your mouth back to normal.

It can help eliminate tooth decay and gum disease as well as restore and replace damaged and lost teeth. It can also address jaw misalignments and issues with the TMJ, which can cause the patient much discomfort and soreness.

When this treatment is over, there is not only a benefit to the oral health of a patient but also to the mental and physical health.

Dental procedures have shown to turn people’s lives around completely. They carry themselves with a renewed sense of self-confidence.

No. Dental treatment mostly has nothing to do with age. Other factors, however, like blood pressure problems, diabetes, and osteoporosis might hinder the dental surgery in one way or the other.

These need to be controlled enough to perform the surgery and to let the tissues heal after the surgery.

This can be done by taking the proper medication prescribed by the dental surgeon and making the necessary lifestyle changes.

Not at all! Full mouth restoration is not one procedure, but a series of treatments done for various problems in the mouth.

For each procedure, you will be given an adequate dose of anesthesia to numb the area in your mouth where the dentist needs to work.

This will prevent any pain or pressure from being inflicted, and before you know it, the appointment will be over.

If you take proper care and follow the instructions of your dentist, it is quite likely that your treatment could last indefinitely.

However, this again depends on the procedures you had. For example, implants can last the patient a lifetime, if maintained properly.

The most crucial thing to remember here is that your oral hygiene standards need to be very good.

Other habits like smoking may also lead to a failure of treatment. The life of your dental treatment is in your hands.

In case of major procedures, like implants or periodontal surgeries, a few days need to given to the body to regain its strength. The exact amount of time varies from patient to patient.

The precise information can only be given to you by your dentist. On an average, three days to one week of rest is recommended after any major surgery.

The material of the crown or veneer is highly resistant to discoloration. Over time, your natural teeth might get stained if you don’t take care of your eating and drinking habits.

There are some situations where the prosthesis might stain, but that is mostly due to mechanical damage, causing the removal of the glaze layer on its surface making it non-resistant to attack by foods and drinks which stain.

Full mouth restoration refers to a series of treatments that are done in the patient’s mouth when they have many dental problems at the same time.

This will include all kinds of treatments like fillings, RCT, implant procedures, etc. The condition of the patient is evaluated, and the necessary treatment is performed.

On the other hand, full mouth implants refer to a situation where the patient has lost many teeth. Here, all the existing teeth in the patient’s arch are extracted, and 4,6 or 8 implants are placed. The implants are topped with a full arch denture.

So, the latter option essentially replaces all the teeth, whereas, in the former, the dentist will treat each tooth and supporting tissue with the desired dental work.

Yes. Our network clinics in Mexico offer guarantees for their dental work. The period of this guarantee will vary according to the treatment given.

The patient’s habits like smoking might also affect the guarantee. To know more, please contact your case manager.

Speech (or phonetics) has a direct correlation to the upper and lower teeth, the tongue, the lips and their relations with one another.

Phonetics are one of the main concerns when it comes to fabricating a prosthesis. Many patients can’t correctly pronounce certain words, for example, those beginning with ‘s’, ‘f’, and ‘v’.

The reason for this could be that your front teeth have worn down due to disease or grinding or that you have been wearing a poorly designed prosthesis.

So if you’re getting a new prosthesis made, your dentist will measure the proper vertical dimension of your mouth and work according to that.

Full Mouth Reconstruction Reviews – Mexico

A client from California reviews his upper and lower mouth dental work in Rosarito

Watch on YouTube
Dental Work in Rosarito

A couple from the United States talks about getting full mouth restoration in Los Algodones:

Watch on YouTube
Full Mouth Restoration in Los Algodones

Another client talks about getting full mouth reconstruction in Cancun:

Watch on YouTube
Full Mouth Reconstruction in Cancun

A client from Colorado talks about getting All on four dental implants in Los Algodones:

Watch on YouTube
All on Four Dental Implants in Los Algodones

Why Get Upper and Lower Mouth Restoration in Mexico?

  • You get quality dental care at much lower prices.
  • Thousands of people who have been avoiding dental treatment just because of the high cost can now avail the benefits of dental tourism.
  • Mexico is not only a leader in healthcare but is also the perfect place for a vacation.
  • Our clinics in Mexico have state-of-the-art in-house lab facilities. This ensures your treatment can be carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • The staff working at these clinics is well-qualified and experienced in patient care. Another plus point is that the dental team is bilingual.
  • Our clinics offer all kinds of dental procedures under one roof.
  • The dentists are interactive. They will answer any questions you have at any time before, during, or after the treatment.

According to a January 2018 report published in the Yucatan Times, the "availability of highly skilled and experienced dental surgeons is also one of the reasons for the growth of dental tourism in Mexico.”

Why MTC for Dental Tourism in Mexico?

  • Medical Tourism Corporation is an A+ Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited company.
  • We provide the best medical care at the lowest possible price.
  • The dentists working with us are English-speaking.

Did you know?

36 million Americans are missing all their teeth – American College of Prosthodontists.

  • We offer free concierge.
  • We have thousands of happy clients who can vouch for the service we provide.
  • All the steps of your treatment, as well as your vacation, will be planned for you. You can have fun with your companions with a free mind.
  • Free pre- and post-op consultation is provided to you by our dental surgeons. All your questions before and after will be duly answered.

Mexico Travel Information

  • Mexico is well-connected to Canada and the US.
  • All major American and Canadian cities have frequent flights scheduled to the different parts of Mexico.
  • Carrying your passport and keeping it safe is very important. It would help if you always keep a soft copy as well as a hard copy of all relevant documents you’re carrying.
  • Most places in the country accept the American Dollar. However, keeping some local money on you is always a good idea. The local currency in Mexico is the Neuvo Peso (N$).
  • Our network clinics, as well as other major businesses, accept PayPal, Visa, Master Card, American Express and other major credit cards.
  • To avoid your card from getting disabled on suspicion of fraudulent transactions while in Mexico, make sure you notify the credit card company of your travel well in advance.
  • It is advised not to flaunt expensive jewelry.
  • If you’re planning to drive down to Mexico, be sure to talk to your auto insurance company. Make sure they provide services in Mexico too. Auto insurance is available on both sides of the border.
  • In case you plan to rent a car to drive around, a valid driver’s license is a must. You won’t be allowed to drive without it. The person driving the car should be at least 25 years of age.
  • Also, booking a car well in advance is advisable. This helps in getting good rentals.

About Mexico

  • Mexico is home to great food, colorful streets, and amazing landscapes. There's more to it than the negative reasons it is sometimes known for.
  • Currently, despite the criticism, Mexico is one of the most beautiful nations in this world. It is among the favorite destinations for dental tourism.
  • Friendly people, affordable prices, and high-quality dental treatments make it a suitable choice. State-of-the-art dental clinics, with well-trained staff and a professional environment, are available.
  • Thousands of people come to Mexico every year from the US and Canada (among others) for their dental treatment.

Some Language Tips

Spanish is the commonly spoken language in Mexico. Some of the locals might not understand English. In such a case, a language barrier should not cause problems. So, one should know some of the common words and phrases.

Important English-Spanish Phrases
English Spanish
Hello: Hola I do not speak Spanish: No hablo Español
Bye: Adios Can you speak English?: Habla usted ingles?
Yes: Si How much?: Cuánto cuesta?
No: No I am lost: Estoy perdido
Help: Socorro I am sorry: Lo siento
Crown: Corona Excuse me: Discúlpeme
Enamel: Esmalte Lower teeth: Dientes inferiores
Jaw: Mandibula Upper teeth: Dientes superiores
Tooth: Diente Tongue: Lengua
Denture: Dentadura Implant: Implante
Dull pain: Dolor leve Slight sting: Una picadura

Contact us now for low cost full mouth restoration Mexico packages.

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  1. The cost of full mouth restoration in the US and Canada. CostHelper.
  2. Maló PS et al. Five-year outcome comparing smokers vs. nonsmokers with full-arch mandibular implant supported rehabilitation using All-on-4. J Oral Sci. 2018 Jun 20;60(2):177-186. doi: 10.2334/josnusd.