The primary concerns when electing to have a Lap Band in Guadalajara, Mexico, are overall cost and the standard of medical care available. However, weight loss surgery in Mexico has a well-established reputation, thanks to the excellent hospital facilities and surgical expertise, coupled with a significant reduction in overall cost compared with countries such as the UK, USA, and Canada.

Lap Band Surgery Overview

A lap band (laparoscopic adjustable gastric band) is an adjustable ring made of silicone that is designed to fit the stomach. This appliance can be filled with fluid so that the overall size of the stomach can be significantly reduced without altering its normal function.

This is an effective treatment for obesity since the patient has to reduce their calorific intake according to how much of the stomach is restricted. Surgery is performed laparoscopically, which means that small incisions can be made, and scarring and infection are kept to a minimum.

Criteria for surgery include the following:

  • Patients who are obese class III i.e. those who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) in excess of 40
  • Patients who are obese class II i.e. those who have a BMI in excess of 35, but have a weight-related ailment
  • Patients who are between the ages of 18 and 65 and are in relatively good overall health

Lap Band Surgery in Guadalajara – What to Expect?

Surgery is carried out under general anesthetic and takes approximately one hour to complete. Patients generally remain in hospital for at least 24 hours, and once you’ve completed your lap band surgery, it’s important that you take the recovery process seriously.

It’s advisable that you get plenty of rest and don’t lift anything heavy or overexert yourself for a few days. Most patients can resume light exercise within three weeks and regular exercise within a couple of months.

Remember that your diet will change significantly following your operation, which should be fully discussed with your surgical team.

Cost of Lap Band in Guadalajara, Mexico

  • If you’re looking for low-cost gastric band, Guadalajara in Mexico represents an excellent choice.
  • In Mexico, lap band surgery cost is considerably lower than that seen in a number of other countries.
  • The cost of a lap band procedure could save you 50-60% when compared to the prices charged in the UK, USA, or Canada, even when traveling costs and accommodation are taken into account.
  • This price differential is due to the lower cost of living, which means that hospital overheads are reduced. These substantial savings can be passed on to the patients directly.

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Why Choose Gastric Band Surgery in Guadalajara?

  • Guadalajara offers a number of first-rate, well-equipped hospitals which are available for your procedure.
  • Waiting lists are considerably shorter than those seen in countries such as the USA, UK and Canada, which means that you can schedule your procedure as required.
  • Mexico has a number of internationally renowned gastric surgeons, many of whom have experience abroad or internationally.
  • The communication barrier is a major concern for many patients. If you opt to get your Lap Band in Guadalajara, it is advisable that you go to a hospital where the staff and doctors are comfortable conversing in your language. Language interpreters are usually available, but you must ask for them in advance.

Gastric Banding in Guadalajara – Planning your Trip

  • It’s important that if you’re considering lap band surgery in Mexico, you research your hospital so that you can make sure that it fits your requirements.
  • You can explore the experience and reputation of your lap band surgeon in Guadalajara with a simple internet search and this should help allay any uncertainties you may have.
  • Speak to your surgeon prior to treatment so that you fully understand the procedure and have all the appropriate documentation. Remember, as with any surgery, there are always risks to consider and these should be fully discussed prior to your trip.
  • It can be a good idea to review some lap band before and after pictures. Testimony of previous patient experiences can give you an idea of what to expect.

Sightseeing in Guadalajara – Mexico

If you’ve got the time and the inclination, you might want to add a vacation to the end of your stay in Mexico. Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico, is famed for its unique cuisine, Mariachi bands, beautiful architecture, and Tequila, all of which are readily accessible to visitors.

It was honored with an “American City of Culture” award in 2005 and boasts a thriving arts scene and a long history of literary and artistic pursuits. There are numerous museums, festivals and many traditional Mexican sights which ensure that this ancient city, nicknamed the “Pearl of the West,” has something to interest everyone.

Overall, electing to have your lap band in Guadalajara, Mexico, can provide you with excellent medical care in a cost-effective manner.

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