In this video, a leading bariatric and general surgeon from the USA talks about the difference between gastric plication and sleeve gastrectomy in Las Vegas. The surgeon explains both the procedures in detail and highlights the differences between the two procedures.

Check out the video where the surgeon explains how gastric sleeve surgery is better than gastric plication.

“I am a Bariatric and general surgeon. I completed a fellowship at USC in advanced laparoscopic surgery. We address a lot of complicated general surgeries such as complicated hernias and also complicated gall bladder disease. Although most of my practice is in bariatrics I still do these procedures.

Gastric sleeve and gastric plication involve making the stomach smaller, making the stomach, shrinking the stomach down to a long narrow tube. They both accomplish the same thing. The sleeve does it by actually cutting and taking out of the stomach, which is totally nonreversible.

Gastric plication does it by sort of folding the stomach into itself so that it is as big as a long narrow tube when you are done, and that’s reversible. The plication is newer, the research is still newer, and the results are newer, so we don’t know how effective it’s going to be and where it’s got to fit in.

It’s got to have a place somewhere, I don’t know where and as far as I see, one advantage with the sleeve is the hormonal changes of the sleeve that you don’t get with the plication. So the folks that are hungry all the time, to have that hunger drive, that will never go away.

That’s from a hormone called ghrelin. That hormone is going to be greatly decreased when you are going to do a sleeve operation. It’s not going to be effective when we do plication operation. So, I think for that reason alone, the sleeve is probably a better option for a lot of patients. Plication is very intriguing, so we don’t know where it’s going to fit our surgeries.”

According to the surgeon, gastric sleeve surgery is better than gastric plication as it takes out the hormone responsible for hunger, known as ghrelin. Therefore it helps to reduce the hunger drive, which leads to permanent weight loss. Whereas in gastric plication, folding of the stomach is done, which does not cut down the hunger hormone, therefore, it can lead to weight gain later on.

In addition to the USA, other countries like India, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Belgium also offer low cost gastric sleeve surgery.

Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates low-cost gastric sleeve or lap band surgery abroad at many international locations.

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