Watch Blayne’s review on Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico four months after his surgery. He has lost a whooping 109 lbs since his surgery in April, 2017.

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Video Transcription

Hi, my name is Blayne Kinsel. I am from Illinois, and I chose to come down here to Mexico to have the Gastric Sleeve done.

Why did you choose to have your Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico?

“I came down here because of the price difference. Back home, I couldn’t get it because you had to have so much, like, wrong with you. And I was healthy; I was a healthy big person so I couldn’t get it. So, I came down here and everyone was just so grateful. I was very happy.”

When did you have your Weight Loss Surgery? What was your starting weight?

“I had my surgery about four months ago, I believe, back in April. I started off weighing 305 lbs and I am at 196 lbs in these few months. So, it has been incredible.”

Why are you here again?

“My mom saw my progress and she decided that she wanted to do the same surgery. So, we came back down. Since everyone was so great the first time, we thought it would be a great idea just to keep with this company and her sister, hopefully, will be doing it too.”

How did you find us?

“I was looking online, like Youtube, and then online, just the internet… searching, like, international surgeries. And, I found you guys. So, the surgery that I was looking for particularly was Gastric Sleeve. So, on Youtube, I’d look up videos and you guys’ company and see how everyone’s been doing, see how they progress versus other people.”

What made you choose us?

“It was you guys or A Lighter Me, I think it was called. But, I liked you guys better because it seemed like a friendlier environment and more like, everyone’s nice. So, Medical Tourism Corporation was a lot better choice for me. Medical Tourism Co., in general; everyone has met every expectation I could expect. It was so much nicer than the hospitals back home. The cleanliness here is awesome, it’s amazing. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

Would you recommend us?

“If you are thinking about having this surgery, I would definitely recommend Medical Tourism Co. Just because everyone… the driver, Lily, was so sweet. Everyone here has been so nice. All the nurses are so polite and it’s just such a great environment! I could not have done it without Karen. She has been so helpful and so kind to us. It has just been such a great experience for me”.

Were you happy with the procedure and your surgeon?

“My surgeon was amazing. It was a great experience just to have him. He did a great job. He always takes pictures of your stomach after it is out so, you can see what it looks like and who doesn’t want to see that! It is really cool. So, I think overall, coming here was a great idea. It was a good experience!”

Check out another Review on Sleeve Gastrectomy in Tijuana, Mexico by Linda!

Affordable Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana.

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