This is a video testimonial of Winona Travis from Dallas, Texas. USA. She had her sleeve gastrectomy in Tijuana, MX. The high cost of surgery prohibited her from getting her surgery done in the USA. She is thankful to the staff at MTC for making her feel at ease and relaxed.

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“My name is Winona Travis. I am from the Dallas, Texas area. I came to get the bariatric sleeve done. I had a friend that had lost 127 pounds and when I saw her, she looked amazing and I asked her what she’d done and she said she had gone for medical tourism to get surgery done and so I started checking into it and ended up come down.

“I did check in to having a surgery done back in the Sates but it was cost prohibitive. It was 12,000 or more and it was just something I could not do so I was looking for an alternative option. The main reason I chose medical tourism is because of the high recommendation for Dr. Camelo and that he was very excellent surgeon and that was the most important thing to me.

“The process to surgery done was very, very simple. It was not complicated. I completed a health questionnaire form and I sent it for doctor to look at so that I could be approved for the surgery. I was told the next day that I was approved and that I could come down and all I had to do was simply make airline, flight arrangements and start on a date. I had my surgery two days ago this is my third day post op. I am doing really, really well. The first day was actually not too bad after the surgery. The second day was a little bit tricky because you really sore from what’s going inside, from … kind of like you went to the gym and you worked all day long and the next day you are really sore. So, it’s kind of like that, it’s not unbearable but it is sore.

“It was a little different for me. It was a little bit of culture shock just because I am used to a more modern type facility. But once I got inside, comfortable in my room I was fine and taken very well care of.

“The trip went really well. It was very nice because at the hospital they have a nice lady named Rosa and she took good care of us and not only just me but him. She brought him coffee every morning and even got food for him to eat. So, that was really nice that I didn’t have to worry about that he was not being taken care of.

“Karen was our coordinator and she is completely amazing. She was with us from the moment we got here, through questions with the doctor whenever we had any situation she was there. So, Karen’s awesome, if you come to have your surgery, I hope you get Karen as your coordinator.

“I would certainly recommend this company to anyone who is looking to get the surgery done. It was a big decision for me. I thought about it for three years. But I am obese and my health concerns and now that it’s over, I am really glad I did it and I am looking forward to the journey to becoming a new healthy me.

Winona came to Tijuana on a friend recommendation. She adds the process of getting her bariatric surgery done in Tijuana was simple and easy. All she had to do was fill a medical questionnaire and make arrangements for flights.

Just like Winona, Richard also found bariatric surgery prices in the USA considerably high. So, he chose Tijuana, Mexico for his gastric sleeve surgery and saved nearly 70% on the total cost. Watch Richard reviewing his sleeve surgery in Tijuana, MX.

Affordable Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana, Mexico

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