In this video, Allyson from Los Angeles shares her experience on weight loss surgery in Las Vegas.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Disclaimer: Weight loss results may vary. We do not guarantee any specific results.

“I went through medical tourism and they facilitated…helping in booking my surgeon in Las Vegas. I had really no issues. Making the payment was easy, the communication was easy, there was a no…I didn’t have any complications or issues so it was very straight forward for me. I was so impressed with his skill and everyone in the office was really lovely, supportive and kind and lots of information.

I really feel I was nervous to have surgery which I think is very normal…more than nervous I was really scared of waking up and being in pain, I honestly say, I never felt any pain. Some slight tenderness and soreness for such a surgery that can be considered, you know, dramatic and invasive, I’m am beyond amazed how good I felt very quickly.

I was prepared to be in some level of pain and I didn’t have any, not one single day, just some discomfort you know after surgery, but pain none. So I think mu surgeon did a remarkable job, he is obviously very skilled and talented. And I had a post op appointment with him and he, you know, looks me over and said I was doing marvellously and I’m amazed at the job he did. I’ve spoken to others of his patients as well and everyone seemed to have same experience.

People said to me I’ve had no problems, I didn’t have any pain, but I didn’t believe it because I thought “well they are just lying to me because they want me to be nervous and scared.” But it’s true I have no pain whatsoever… I’ve had no pain, I think he is amazing.”

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