If you cannot arrange money for your surgery abroad, try money pooling! This easy method can come in handy when all the other avenues of arranging funds close.

Postponing medical treatment just because of lack of funds can cost you your health in the future. Therefore, you can go for the option of money pool for financing your surgery.

What is Money Pool?

Investopedia defines Money pool as “The funds from many individual investors that are aggregated for the purposes of investment.”1

  • A contribution of a certain pre-decided amount towards a common fund is made by the members of the pool.
  • The members contribute towards the pool at a gap of a specific period for the decided time duration.
  • The lump sum collected every time is taken by the members by turns.2
  • For instance, a group of 10 people contributes $100 every month for a duration of 10 months. Every month, an amount of $1,000 will be collected which the members take by turns.

Money pooling is known by around 200 names around the world including “cundinas” in Mexico and “susu” in the Carribean!

For increased savings, you can opt for Medical Tourism abroad including bariatric surgery such as gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico, dental work like implants in Thailand, general surgery in Costa Rica, or any other medical tourism destination.

Why Choose Money Pool?

  • It gives you quick access to money.
  • Social pressure pushes you to save for your health goals.
  • Saves additional costs of interest and other related expenses.
  • Unlike most loans that are for a particular reason, the amount collected via money pool can be used for any purpose.

Advantages of e-Money Pool for Surgery Abroad

Who Can Use Money Pool?

  • Those who have faced rejection from other loan and credit facilities.
  • Those who do not want get into the hassle-some procedures of banking/financial institutions.
  • Those who do not have faith in the banking system and have more trust in traditional ways of borrowing from the community.3

Accessing Money Pool

  • Community Pooling: Usually, money pooling is common in communities of which we are a part. We can look out for one in our own neighborhood, club, or even the workplace at times.
  • Friends and Relatives: You could start up a new pooling plan with your friends and relatives. It is an easy and reliable method of fund-raising.
  • Professionals: There are professionals who can help you become part of a money pooling group as per your requirements and investing capacity.
  • Websites: There are specialized websites that facilitate money pooling. It is a quick way to connect with a group that has the same monetary needs as yours.

eMoneyPool Explained

eMoneyPool is a great website that helps you create your own pool with family and friends. It also gives you the facility to join an open pool. It gives you a guarantee of payment in case any member of the pool defaults. Usually, it charges 1-5% of the total pool amount.4

The website allows trustworthy users to pool a part of their income for an established number of pay periods and take turns receiving the same.

How to Get Started With eMoneyPool?

  • Chose the pool that corresponds with your financial needs.
  • Select a position to correspond with the date on which you want to get the money.
  • Receive the desired amount and become a member.

How eMoneyPool Works?

  • Each user has to make a monthly payment plus an additional fee as interest.
  • The corresponding fee for the customers is discounted.
  • Each pool takes around a week to fill after which the rotation begins.

Advantages of eMoneyPool

  • It helps you pool up with likeminded individuals with similar needs; for example, a pool for people seeking gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico.
  • The waiting time is cut down.
  • It helps you build your credit rating for timely payments.
  • You can avail the facility of introductory loans with eMoneyPool lender partners if you maintain a good credit rating.


The money pool is a quick way of arranging finances for your dental work, general surgery, weight loss surgery in Mexico or any other medical tourism destination. It saves you from depending on anyone for fulfilling your medical needs.

Also, it’s expedient and there is no interest payment which saves you quite an amount. Moreover, since mostly the constituent members of the pool are acquaintances, the apprehensions related to safety are done away with.

Learn more about money pooling!

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  1. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pooledfunds.asp
  2. Cervera Francisco (2016). Leveraging the Capital of the Community, MIT Press Journals, volume 10, number 3/4, p. 9-19
  3. Money Pools: A Non-Traditional Savings and Capital System, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Retrieved from: https://www.afcpe.org/news-and-publications/blog/money-pools-a-non-traditional-savings-and-capital-system [Accessed on 21 November 2017]
  4. https://www.emoneypool.com/