Rod Kemsley from Houston, TX who had gastric sleeve bariatric surgery in Mexico reviews his entire experience.

"My name is Rod Kemsley. I am from Houston, Texas down here in Tijuana I just had my gastric sleeve with Dr. Camelo and we had a great experience. My wife Louis came with me. We came down here and two days in the hospital, two days in the hotel and had a great experience. All the staff here was really helpful and could speak English and help us out along our way and of course, Karen, our destination manager has been absolutely wonderful taking care of us step by step making sure we had everything that we need and to make this process go smoothly.  

"I am two days past surgery now, feeling good. I am trying to get my life back in order. Went to Florence Hospital and they've just recently moved into a new location and it's a great location. The facility there was very nice, very clean and the staff there was just wonderful. The hotel here is a great hotel too. It's a beautiful room, the room right here - the Grand Hotel in Tijuana as we were saying is a beautiful hotel. 

"All the doctors we worked with were absolutely fantastic. They could speak good English and explain everything to us and help us out. It was really a good experience with all the doctors, nurses and staff. Well, we decided to come down here for the cost of it. I couldn't afford to have it done down here in the US. We checked around several different places like Costa Rica and things like that and found that this was the best deal that we could find. But not only that it was the best surgeons we could fine too. He is a very well-known surgeon and we decided to go with him and we are glad that we made the trip. At least $10,000 to $15,000 savings.  

"I have a guest. My wife came down here with me to help me and make sure I took all the right medicines and did all the right things I was supposed to do. She came down here with me. It was really good. She was taken care of by the people at the hospital and my destination manager Karen and they took her out to eat and show her around the town a little bit. She was with other's spouses and siblings and people who had come down here as guests and they went out and had a great time and went to see out the town a little bit while we were recuperating at the hospital. I would absolutely recommend coming down here and doing this. Medical Tourism Co. is the way to go."

Here is another gastric sleeve Mexico review in which Lisa Craig from Arizona talks about her weight loss journey after her life altering bariatric surgery.

Affordable weight loss surgery in Tijuana

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