Below are videos & pictures related to Medical Tourism. This collection includes videos & photos of international hospitals (hospital coverage include patient rooms, medical equipment, hallway, waiting area, nurses station, surgery, private suites & patient amenities), interviews of doctors & international patients head, & video testimonial of patients.

We continue to strive to add more videos & photos with time. Hope this helps our clients in choosing the right medical travel destination.

Costa Rica

1. Hospital Clinica Biblica, San Jose, Costa Rica: Video of the hospital & city of San Jose where the hospital is located. There are some pictures of a recovers centers as well.

2. Interview – Brad Cook, Head International Patients Department, Hospital Clinica Biblica. Brad discusses about the hospital in Costa Rica& the reasons why it is attracting Medical Tourism patients from USA & Canada.

3. Interview – Dr. Juan Manuel Aragon, Assistant Director, Hospital Clinica Biblica, Costa Rica. Dr Aragon discusses hospital quality monitors & benchmarks like mortality rate, nurse to patient ratio, staph infection prevention, patient satisfaction, hospital standards in Costa Rica & more.

4. Interview – Dr . Jacobo Zafrani, Bariatric & General Surgeon (Laproscopic) Costa Rica. Dr. Zafrani has vast experience in laproscopic surgery. He is pioneering the surgery cure for Type 2 Diabetes for NON-OBESE patients. He has extensive international training & experience in bariatric(lap band, gastric sleeve, gastic bypass) & general surgery (hernia, gall bladder etc.).

5. Interview – Dr. Oscar Oeding, Orthopedics(Knee,Hip & Shoulder) Surgeon, Costa Rica: 30% of Dr Oeding patients are Medical Tourism related. His speciality is in shoulder and knee arthroscopy; hip, shoulder and knee replacements, hip resurfacing & partial knee replacement(oxford knee).

6.Sleeve Gastrectomy Costa Rica: Tom Vravis from Orlando, Fl shares his experience of visiting Costa Rica for the sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

7. Patient Testimonial – Total Knee Replacement in Costa Rica: Mr. Charles Rychner came to Costa Rica for the total knee replacement surgery.

8. Pictures – Photos – Hospital Clinica Biblica, Costa Rica: This is a JCI accredited international hospital.