If wearing glasses and contact lenses are limiting your lifestyle options and affecting your self-esteem, then the low cost of LASIK surgery in Tijuana, Mexico will hold huge appeal for you.

With the topnotch medical facilities and highly trained eye surgeons, vision correction procedures such as LASIK surgery in Tijuana Mexico are gaining popularity.

What is LASIK Surgery?

  • LASIK is an acronym for laser in situ keratomileusis and is used to treat refractive lens errors so as to improve vision.
  • The procedure uses a highly specialized excimer laser to reshape the cornea (keratomileusis), which reduces or eliminates the need for glasses and contact lenses.
  • According to a questionnaire-based study by CN McGhee, JP Craig et al, the results of which were published in The Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery in April 2000, majority of the subjects (88%) quoted improved visual acuity as the prime motivating factor for choosing the procedure.
  • Only 21% percent of the subjects quoted improved cosmesis as a reason for opting for LASIK for treating myopia (nearsightedness).

Well trained eye surgeons, world-class eye care centers and the low cost of LASIK surgery in Tijuana, Mexico make the prospect of improved vision an affordable reality.

Why Choose LASIK Eye Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico?

There are many advantages of undergoing LASIK eye surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, some of which are as follows:

  • Affordable procedures: The low cost of laser eye treatments in Mexico translates into payments that are a fraction of what one will have to pay for the procedure in the US. More expensive procedures too such as Lap band surgery in Tijuana Mexico cost 50% lower than in the U.S.
  • Topnotch eye care centers: The low laser surgery cost in Mexico does in no way imply compromising quality. The care given in the reputable hospitals in Mexico is comparable to that provided in the healthcare centers in the United States and Canada. Adhering to international standards, the hospitals make use of cutting edge technology and modern surgical equipment to perform low cost LASIK eye surgery in Mexico.
  • No language barriers: The topnotch hospitals of the country have English-speaking staff.
  • World-class eye doctors: Mexico is home to many highly trained doctors. The renowned doctors in Mexico hold international certifications and have impressive resumes. Mexico also boasts of a big pool of US-returned doctors.
  • Minimal or zero waiting period: Laser surgery in Tijuana, Mexico can be scheduled easily and without waiting for long periods. Even more complicated procedures such as hip resurfacing in Mexico are done with minimal waiting time.
  • Low travel costs: Tijuana’s proximity to the US helps patients save more money. The Mexican border town is located only 25 km (17 mi) from San Diego in California.
  • Travel options: The warm hospitality and endless tourist attractions provide an added advantage for undergoing LASIK eye surgery in Tijuana, Mexico.

Low Cost LASIK Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico – Some Tips

  • It is imperative that you do some in-depth research before traveling to Tijuana for LASIK surgery. This will help you choose an accredited facility and a reputable eye surgeon.
  • Traveling in Mexico requires you to be cautious about your safety. Curtail exposure by wearing minimal jewelry. Leave your valuables in the hotel safe.
  • Be aware of travel directives from the US Department of State. Try and sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) so that the State Department can assist you in times of emergencies.
  • Most Mexican business establishments accept the American dollar as well as all the major credit cards. Notify your credit card company about your travel to Mexico to avoid your card getting blocked.
  • Do not participate in any illegal activities such as buying drugs, among others.
  • Consult with your eye doctor to ascertain how soon you can drive after your LASIK eye surgery in Mexico.

With its top-rated eye care centers, well experienced eye doctors, and the low cost of LASIK surgery, Tijuana, Mexico is a popular choice.

Additionally, the tourist attractions of Tijuana such as its famed promenades and squares, its museums and religious sites, and proximity to breathtaking beaches, provide more incentives to repair impaired vision.

Patients can look forward to a vacation that will allow them to see the world more clearly and return home with a twinkle in their eye.

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