This video shows a leading plastic surgeon talk about the brow lift procedure.

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Brow Lift Surgery in Costa Rica - Plastic Surgeon

“One of the aging signs that changes every human being belongs to the eyes. During the aging process the skin is sagging and also we have some fat in the upper and the lower eye, the…are sagging and at the same time the thing of the brow comes down.

So, the procedure to improve this is the brow lift. Today, to make a brow lift we make a …scar here. We can make the brow lift by endoscopic or non-endoscopic procedure. It is very rare now to make a long wound on the scalp.

Now we made the procedure with a…scar here. This surgery is going to lift the brow and we give you a younger appearance by making the lift in the brow.

And at the same time, we can take out the bags in the lower lids. We can use its fat to improve upon the fat in the face.”

For patients looking for a safe and low cost brow lift procedure, Medical Tourism Corporation arranges medical trips to Costa Rica and other low cost countries.

Visit Costa Rica for brow lift surgery!

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