Aging, weight gain, and even a sudden weight loss can have different effects on the body, including but not limited to loose and jiggly arms.

The problem with jiggly arms is that often times exercise may not even be enough to remedy them. In cases like these, brachioplasty or an arm lift in Thailand may prove to be a very practical solution worth looking at.

Medical tourism in Thailand is a cost effective remedy to the jiggly-arms problem many men and women suffer from. Keep on reading to find out what brachioplasty, and more specifically, brachioplasty in Thailand, would entail.

Fast Facts on Arm Lifts

There are many things worth knowing about arm lifts, even before looking at getting arm lift surgery in Thailand. Here are a few things patients should know about the procedure:

  • Basically put, the purpose of an arm lift is to remove excess fat, and skin that may have accumulated in the elbow and underarm area using surgical means. The surgeon who performs the arm lift will also attempt to give the arms a new, more streamlined shape, complete with a smoother looking appearance, and proper contours. The surgeon will also aim to cut out the flapping skin, which can be prone to chafing, and produce arms that look more toned and proportioned.
  • The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery breaks down requirements as to who would make a good candidate for the surgery: individuals who have rapidly lost a large amount of weight, as well as older individuals with baggy arms.
  • There are two general kinds of arm lifts, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. The first one involves very minimal incision, and was designed for individuals with minimal sagging skin. It follows that the second kind is more extreme, as it is meant for those with a lot more loose and saggy skin. In both cases, liposuction is performed after the surgery, to take care of the extra fat.

Why Consider Arm Lift in Thailand?

In recent years, Thailand has gained a reputation as a hub for cosmetic surgery. This is due to the fact that the country’s low cost of living has also pulled medical prices, including the cost of surgical procedures, down.

This is the main reason why arm lift cost in Thailand can even go down to a tenth of what one would have to shell out for the surgery in the United States.

Without a doubt, the traditional and mini arm lift costs in Thailand are the main draw for many patients.

However, the advantages don’t just end here:

  • The presence of many world-class JCI-accredited hospitals in Thailand puts medical tourists at ease, as they know that these hospitals can deliver world class medical care without any waiting times.
  • Thailand’s government has recognized the impact that medical tourism has had on its country. For this very reason, it has taken several measures to ensure that the medical care provided is of international standards.
  • Medical tourists can easily find doctors, nurses, and medical personnel who are fluent in English.
  • Aside from getting affordable cosmetic surgery, Thailand is also a great place to vacation in. A few of its more popular attractions include the Bangkok nightlife, the very affordable shopping, and the beautiful beaches. Patients traveling to get arm liposuction in Thailand do not have to limit their trip to only surgery-related activities.

Medical Travel in Thailand – Some Pointers

A medical trip to get an arm lift in Thailand does not have to stress patients out, especially if they pay heed to the following:

  • Plan out your trip to get arm lift brachioplasty in Thailand properly. Secure plane tickets, accommodations, hospital and doctor arrangements and appointments, as well as pocket money even before leaving your home country.
  • It is never a good idea to travel with too many valuables in tow. Traveling with attention-grabbing objects may put you as a target for pickpockets.
  • Thai food tends to be quite spicy. However, the good news is there are multiple restaurants and eating establishments in Thailand offering both local and international cuisine.

Thailand has a lot to offer its tourists. The bonus is it is now very much possible to get an affordable arm lift in Thailand.

If you’ve always been unhappy with your arms, know that this solution is available to you.

Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates low cost cosmetic and plastic surgery treatment in Thailand and other countries.

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