The video shows a businesswoman in Sun City, California, admiring the courtesy of the doctors and staff during her dental treatment abroad, specifically in Mexico.

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Why Choose Mexico for Dental Treatment Abroad, Patient Testimonial
Disclaimer: Results may vary. We do not guarantee any specific outcomes.

Video Narration

"I couldn't wish for a better doctor, he was wonderful and everyone. Brings tears to my eyes to think about it because being on your own, you know, you're kind of, you know you’re unsure. But, Dr. David and another friend, you know said - "come with us" and I did, a month ago. And I had consultation with Hector and I was very very impressed. They've done everything, they said they were gonna do. I could wish 'em all, I tell you.

"And saving money, oh my goodness! I know what all people have paid in the States that might would've I have just done. And like the Gentleman before told you, I would say yes, at least 70% I've saved and it's wonderful. It really is, especially when you're retired and limited income you know. You just really, what can I say...and I've been treated very well."

In another video testimonial, services at Los Algodones Dental Clinic are discussed, which is becoming a clinic of choice to millions of Americans seeking affordable dentistry in Mexico.

Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates affordable dental work in Mexico and other medical and dental tourism destinations worldwide. Fill out the free estimate request form for a free quote and more information.

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