Looking for safe and affordable surgical solutions to lose weight? Then weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, is for you! With Turkey’s affordable prices, you can lose weight for 80% lower than in your home country. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy a nice vacation! Interested? Keep reading to learn more.

Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey | Before & After

Let's now check out the transformation stories of our past clients!

Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey, Reviews

Over the years, WLS in Bursa, Turkey, has garnered positive feedback from clients. Here are international patient testimonials for the best bariatric surgeon in Bursa, Turkey.

Wondering if the price of weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, will burn a hole in your pocket? The next section will put your concerns to rest.

Cost of Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

Weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, costs 80% less than in the UK. For instance, gastric bypass costs €3,500 in Bursa, Turkey, while it starts at €17,000 in the UK.

Gastric sleeve costs €2,950 in Bursa, Turkey, while its average price is €14,500 in the UK. This implies that you can save ~80% on getting WLS in Bursa, Turkey. Compare the prices in the table below.

Comparison of Turkey Weight Loss Surgery with UK
Surgery Turkey UK Savings
Gastric Sleeve €2,950 €14,500 80%
Gastric Re-Sleeve €3,200 €17,000 81%
Gastric Bypass €3,500 €17,000 79%
Balloon Removal to Sleeve €3,450 €19,000 81%
*Prices are case dependent

These low prices for weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, don’t mean lower quality care. They only reflect the lower cost of living in Turkey vs. the UK.[1]

In fact, you can receive the highest quality weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey. Below are the surgeons who will transform your life.

Save ~80% on WLS bills!

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Best Bariatric Surgeon in Bursa Turkey

Meet the expert surgeon who will perform weight loss surgery in Turkey for international patients.

Dr. Evren Dilektaşlı

18+ Years



Weight loss surgeries


MD FACS, Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine

  • Member of the Turkish Surgery Association
  • Member of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
  • Member of the International Federation of Obesity

Wondering where you can find this highly skilled surgeon? Read the following section to find out.

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Best Bariatric Surgery Hospitals in Bursa, Turkey

Top hospitals for weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, prioritize quality and patient safety. We have partnered with one of these hospitals to give you the best care possible.

Founded in 1993, MLP Care runs one of the best private hospitals at the heart of Bursa. VM Medical Park Bursa Hospital is the leading choice for international patients.

It offers a range of medical services by board-certified professionals.

Contact our medical tourism consultants today to learn more about the facilities that MLP Care offers. Don't trust us; trust the testimonials! The below section highlights the stunning transformation of our past clients!

Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey – Before & After

If you’re doubtful about this surgery, see the astonishing results of other patients. Now you know about the best bariatric surgery hospitals and costs in Bursa.

Let’s learn more about the procedure itself.

Want to see how you’ll look after bariatric surgery in Bursa, Turkey? See the before and after pics below.

Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey - Before and After

All About Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

While some choose Turkey for tummy tucks or rhinoplasties, many choose it for weight loss surgery. But what is weight loss surgery? Let’s learn more about it.

What is Weight Loss Surgery?

  • Weight loss or bariatric surgery is a highly effective treatment for patients with obesity.
  • It can help you transform your life by leading to sustained weight reduction.

Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric Surgery in Bursa, Turkey | Ins & Outs
  • It can also improve metabolic comorbidities that have been keeping you from shedding excess weight for years [2]

Eligibility Criteria For Bariatric Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

You’re eligible for weight loss surgery if you meet the following criteria:[3]

  • BMI of 40 or more
  • BMI of 35-40 with comorbidities
  • No prior weight loss success
  • Committed to making lifestyle changes after surgery
  • Healthy enough to undergo surgery under GA

Candidate for WLs in Bursa

Ideal Candidate for WLS in Bursa, Turkey

Still doubtful? Fill out the health questionnaire, and our medical tourism consultants will get in touch! Let's now look at the common WLS procedures offered in Bursa, Turkey.

Types of Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

There are different types of weight loss procedures. Your surgeon will determine the best procedure after evaluating your:

  • BMI
  • Eating habits
  • Overall health
  • Personal goals

Let’s look at some of the most popular types of bariatric surgery in Bursa, Turkey.

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

Gastric Bypass, Bursa

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass is an effective weight loss surgery for those with severe obesity.

It can lead to significant weight loss and improve conditions like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.[4]

In this procedure, the surgeon reduces the size of your stomach and bypasses part of your digestive system.

Therefore you won’t be able to eat more than necessary and absorb extra calories.[5]

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey
Success Rate Weight Loss Hospital Stay Hotel Stay Recovery
79.1% 56.7% 4-7 days 2-5 days 4-6 weeks

Source: PubMed,[6],[7]PubMed
Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Weight Loss at 10 or More Years for All Bariatric Procedures and a Single-Centre Review of 20-Year Outcomes After Adjustable Gastric Banding
“Eighteen reports of gastric bypass showed a weighted mean of 56.7%EWL,...”
View in Article

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

Gastric Sleeve, Bursa

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve, or sleeve gastrectomy, is a safe and efficient form of weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey.

During this procedure, the surgeon removes a large part of the stomach to reduce your appetite.

This minimally invasive approach doesn’t require intestinal bypassing.

It will also help you feel satiated with small amounts of food.[9]

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
Success Rate Weight Loss Hospital Stay Hotel Stay Recovery
64%[10] 58.3%[11] 3-7 days 2-5 days 4-6 weeks [12]

Gastric Re-Sleeve Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

Gastric Re-Sleeve, Bursa

Gastric Re-Sleeve Surgery

Sometimes, over-obese patients may regain some of their weight after gastric sleeve surgery.

This happens due to poor control of their weight and eating habits.

The solution for this problem is gastric re-sleeve surgery.

The gastric re-sleeve procedure is a revisional weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey.

The surgeon uses a laparoscopic technique for this procedure to modify a previous sleeve gastrectomy.[13]


Gastric Re-Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
Success Rate Weight Loss Hospital Stay Hotel Stay Recovery
53.8% [14] 85.41% [15] 4 days 2-5 days 4-6 weeks [16]

Balloon Removal to Sleeve Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

Intragastric Balloon, Bursa

Balloon Removal to Sleeve Surgery

Intragastric balloons have emerged as a minimally invasive technique for temporary weight loss.

In these procedures, surgeons place a saline or air-filled balloon inside the stomach to reduce hunger.[17]

However, some patients may not be happy with the results of this procedure.

They may want to switch to a more permanent solution with fewer complications.

So, they remove the balloons and undergo sleeve surgery instead.

Bariatric surgery and discussion with your physician can be very helpful with weight loss goals.

Dr. Carlos Cuenca

Aftercare for Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

After any form of bariatric surgery in Bursa, Turkey, you must follow aftercare instructions. Your surgeon will provide these instructions to help you get a successful result and avoid complications. Some of these aftercare tips include:[18]

  • Eat slowly and in small amounts
  • Take the necessary nutritional supplements
  • Follow a regular exercise plan to facilitate weight loss
  • Only drink fluids like thin soup the first few days after surgery
  • Gradually switch your diet to runny, soft, and eventually solid foods
  • Avoid starchy foods like soft white bread that can block your stomach

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional Supplements

Drinking Water

Drink Water

Regular Exercise

Exercise Regularly

The below section quickly weighs the pros and cons of weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey.

Pros & Cons of Weight Loss Surgery in Bursa, Turkey

Still wondering if bariatric surgery in Bursa, Turkey, is right for you? See its list of pros and cons to decide.

Pros of WLS

  • Significant weight loss
  • Enhanced quality of life
  • Longer life expectancy after weight loss
  • Resolution of obesity-related health conditions, such as:
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Obstructive sleep apnea

Source: WebMD[19]

Cons of WLS

Surgical risks and complications, such as:[20]

  • Infections
  • Malnutrition
  • Sagging skin
  • Abdominal hernias
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Breathing difficulties

These complications are rare, especially with our board-certified surgeon, who prioritizes patient safety. Now, let's have a quick comparison between weight loss surgery and the new weight loss drug.

Weight Loss Surgery vs Drugs

In the battle against obesity, two prominent contenders have emerged. One is weight loss surgery and the other is Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist medications. Both offer potential solutions.

However, weight loss surgery offers more than just a means to shed excess weight. It gives you a comprehensive and enduring transformation. Let’s see how the two contenders are different from each other.

Comparison: Weight Loss Surgery vs GLP-1 Agonist
Comparison Weight Loss Surgery GLP-1 Agonist
Purpose Weight reduction[20] Type 2 diabetes treatment[21]
Outcomes Greater mean weight loss (25%-35%)[22] Lesser weight loss (15%-20%)
Durability Long lasting[23] Not determined yet[24]
Risks Nutritional deficiency[25] Pancreatitis, Biliary Disease[26]
Insurance Medicare & Private insurance[27] No insurance

Weight loss surgery has certain drawbacks. However, it still appears to be the most preferable option. It has shown long-term results and is quite affordable. The development of new drugs like GLP-1 agonists need more study.

Moreover, it needs firm results to prove its efficacy and safety. Let’s have a detailed look at the potential side effects of these medications.

Side Effects of GLP-1 Agonists

GLP-1 drugs might offer good weight loss results. However, the extent and durability of these benefits are not comparable to those seen after surgery.

Firstly, with these drugs, you might experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.[28] These are mild side effects of GLP-1 agonists.

The risk of biliary disease, pancreatitis, and bowel obstruction pose a great threat to your health.[29] GLP-1 agonists may also not be suitable for all as some may respond well to it while others may not. [30]

It is often a slow and gradual process as compared to the quick results of surgery. In some instances, your weight loss process may even relapse.

This happens when the medicines are stopped or not taken as directed.

Therefore, weight loss surgery is still considered as a standard procedures for weight reduction. Do you still have questions about bariatric surgery in Turkey?

See our FAQs section below to get your answers.


The amount of weight patients lose by getting weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, varies. It depends on the type of procedure and the patient’s general health. On average, you can expect to lose more than 70% of excess weight in 12 months.[28]

Weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey, prices are much lower than in the UK. So you don’t need to worry about financing. However, you can talk to your insurance about financing options. Most insurance plans cover bariatric surgeries if patients meet the necessary criteria.

With the affordable prices of bariatric surgery in Bursa, Turkey, you can save over 80%. For instance, gastric bypass surgery in Turkey costs €3,500. Meanwhile, the same procedure is over €17,000 in the UK. Even with travel expenses, you can save money by getting weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey.

Gastric sleeve cost in Bursa, Turkey, is 80% cheaper than in other countries like the UK. In Bursa, you can undergo gastric sleeve surgery for €2,950 vs. €14,500 in the UK. This price covers everything, from pre-operative tests to anesthesia, surgeon fees, and post-op care.


Ready to transform your life with safe and effective weight loss surgery in Bursa, Turkey? MTC will answer all your questions about bariatric and plastic surgery in Turkey. This ensures you have a smooth trip!

Take a step forward towards your dream life with Bursa, Turkey's weight loss procedures.

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