People who are looking to save money on the cost of surgery are now looking beyond their own borders and this is why heart surgery in India has become a recent favourite with heart patients who are looking to cut costs.

With the spiralling cost of heart surgery in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, the medical tourism industry is now becoming a major part of many countries including India.

As per the article Global Trends in Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery – An Opportunity or a Threat? (2009) by Molina and Heng published in the Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore, cardiac diseases will be responsible for nearly 14.2 percent of the deaths all over the globe by 2030.

Despite the technological advancements that have been made in the field of cardiology, heart surgeries elude many because of the exorbitant costs.

For such people, undergoing cardiac surgery in India can be a worthwhile alternative.


Beauty of India

Why Opt for Heart Surgery in India?

  • With the cost of heart surgery in India being much cheaper than in its western counterparts, patients are now seeking to cut their medical bills by traveling to India for treatment.
  • Cardiac surgery in India is particularly appealing to tourists as it not only allows them to cut down costs but it also gives them the benefit of undergoing surgery by some of the best cardiac surgeons in the world.
  • There are a various world class hospitals in India offering heart bypass surgery, coronary angioplasty, pacemaker installation surgery, heart valve surgery and a host of other cardiac surgeries.
  • There are numerous JCI, NABH, and ISO accredited medical facilities in India offering world class services at a fraction of the costs charged in the West.
  • Heart bypass surgery in India is very popular as India is known for having some of the best hospitals in Asia.
  • Most of the doctors and surgeons in India can speak English fluently. Language barriers are minimal.

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Heart Surgery Cost in India

  • The price of heart surgery in India currently is without a doubt much cheaper than its western counterparts such as the United States of America and the United Kingdom.
  • The average heart bypass surgery cost in India is calculated at being between 75 and 90% lower than the price of the same surgery in the United States.
  • When a person decides to come to India for heart bypass surgery or any other sort of cardiac surgery they should factor in the expenses related to traveling and accommodation.
  • However, even after considering transportation and accommodation expenses in India, one will still be paying only a fraction of what the surgery alone would cost in the industrialized countries of the world.

Medical Tourism Process in India

Medical tourism in India has been experiencing an upward trend in the light of rising healthcare costs in the US, the UK, Canada and other developed countries of North America and West Europe.

The Confederation of Indian Industries estimates the medical tourism industry in India to breach the $2 billion mark in 2012. The medical tourism process in India involves the following three steps:

  • Initiate contact with the appropriate company and make all the necessary arrangements.
  • Prepare for the medical trip to India, get all relevant documents in order, pack, and plan the date of departure.
  • Arrive in India, have the surgery carried out, rest and convalesce, and decide upon a holiday, keeping in mind the gravity of the medical condition and procedure, before returning to the home country.

Cardiac Surgery in India – Some Tips

  • Beware of pickpockets in the big cities.
  • Abstain from giving alms to beggars. Donate in an old age home or an orphanage instead.
  • Hygiene standards in India can vary from those in the West. Avoid eating cut fruits or food from the roadside stalls.
  • Always drink packaged water and avoid tap water.
  • If a patient is not used to extreme heat then it’s advised that the heart surgery is planned either for the winter months from December to early March.
  • You can ask for online free estimates for planning your heart surgery trip to India.
  • Research well into the credibility of doctors and hospitals in India. Patient testimonials and feedback can help in this regard.

Heart surgery in India can be a good option for those looking for affordable surgical options to treat their cardiac problems.

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