In this video, a top orthopedic surgeon from Mexico talks about his education and experience. He is the member of the American Association of orthopedic surgeons with trainings from Mexico and the USA.

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Orthopedic Surgeon - Ciudad Juarez - Mexico

“I’m an orthopedic surgeon; I’ve been brought up here in Mexico mostly. I’ve done most of my studies here in Mexico. My professional studies were here in Ciudad Juarez and the University of Ciudad Juarez. My specialist studies have been in Mexico City…which is an Orthopedic based program. I’ve been a member of the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons since I finished my studies in Orthopedics. Also I’ve had training in the area of arthroscopic surgery, knee and shoulder arthroscopy. I’ve done some training in minimal basic…for children.”

“I have had some courses in the United States…hip replacement surgery and reconstructive surgery. I always attend the annual meeting of the orthopedic surgery association. Arthroscopy surgery training has been done in Mexico City. The hip replacement course that I took in United States was in Baltimore, Maryland. And other courses that I’ve taken have been during the annual meetings in different…New Orleans and San Diego. There we have taken some symposia from doctors and professionals from the United States. Training courses but in small period of time…my most important training courses that I’ve had have been the ones in the Mexico City and the small course I took in Baltimore – the hip replacement course.”

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