This a video of Dr. Antonio Mendez. He is among the most highly reputed Eye Surgeons practicing in the border city of Tijuana. Individuals from all over the world travel miles to avail affordable LASIK in Tijuana - Mexico.

“Welcome to the Mendez Vision Institute, I’m Dr. Antonio Mendez, we are located in Tijuana, right across the border of San Diego. Our field is Ophthalmology so anything that has to do with the eyes, we take care and we’re involved with all these new procedures and techniques to improve your vision. We mainly work with near-sightedness and astigmatism.

This near-sightedness and astigmatism we treat with the newest technology now state of the art laser; femtosecond laser, it’s called the Visulux and the technique is called SMILE; Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. We’ve been working now several years with this procedure with great success and hundreds of patients, satisfied patients that have done this procedure that is way better than lasik.

We also work a lot with intraocular lenses; multi focal intraocular lenses. What advantages do the intraocular multi focus lenses have is that it helps improve your vision for far, your vision for near after this procedure. This is very typical to do after 45 or 50 years old when you are at your prime in regards to work, hobbies, and starting to having fun; your vision cannot be an excuse not to follow with all your enjoyment of life.”

This video explains in brief about the treatments available at the South of the border for vision improvement. People looking for affordable cataract surgery in Tijuana - Mexico can too easily find a procedure to reinstate their vision at the lowest possible cost.


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