Prostatectomy surgery cost:
{Price estimate cover all the medical & logistics expenses at the destination}
International Destinations: India, Turkey, Mexico, Costa Rica

Prostatectomy is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of a part or the entire prostrate gland.

The prostate gland is a walnut shaped gland that surrounds the urethra (a tube like structure that channels urine from the bladder to the tip of the penis), and is a part of the male reproductive system.

Prostatectomy abroad ensures the largest percentage saving, whilst maintaining high quality standards.

The Need To Perform a Prostatectomy

  • Carcinoma of the prostate gland requires a surgical removal of the prostate. Usually, a radical prostatectomy is done, wherein the entire prostate is excised along with seminal vesicles (2 small glands, located above the prostate).
  • A prostate surgery is also recommended in certain cases of urinary trouble, such as, urinary retention (an acute retention or a retention overflow) when catheterization is impossible, in cases of frequent urinary tract infections, and slow urination.
  • The surgical removal of this component of the male reproductive system is suggested in certain cases of kidney damage, and bladder calculi (stones).
  • Prostate excision is also advocated in cases of prostate bleeding.
  • Certain cases of very large BEP (benign enlargement of prostate), require surgical intervention, to relive the pressure symptoms on the urethra.

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Preparing for Prostatectomy

  • A week prior to the surgical procedure, aspirin and ibuprofen have to be stopped.
  • 1 day before the surgery, a laxative or an enema is given to eject the contents of the bowel.
  • 10 to 12 hours preceding the surgery, nil by mouth (or, NBM) is mandatory.

Prostatectomy: The Procedure

The procedure involves the following types:

Retropubic and Suprapubic Prostatectomy

In this technique large incisions are made on the lower abdomen to excise the prostate gland and the surrounding lymph nodes. This procedure takes about 2 to 3 hours.

Perineal Prostatectomy

This procedure involves the extraction of the prostate through an incision made between the rectum and the scrotum. This procedure also lasts for 2 to 3 hours.

Transurethral Prostatectomy

Here, a cystoscope is inserted in to the urethra, to reach the prostate and the abnormal prostate tissue is snipped away. This prostatectomy procedure is less invasive and takes about 30 to 60 minutes.

Laproscopic Prostatectomy

This technique involves the use of a “laparoscope”, which is a slender tube shaped instrument that allows visualization of the prostate and the surrounding structures.

Laproscopic prostatectomy is performed through a series of small abdominal incisions. The laproscope is then used to detach and remove the prostatic tissue.

Robotic Prostatectomy

An advanced surgical procedure which is performed through a remote control. The surgeon sits in the console room and the robot performs the surgery.

The surgeon controls the master arms which in turn control the robotic arms that hold the surgical tools.

Further, the surgeon receives feedback about the amount of pressure exerted on the patient by each tool and also has a clear view of the stereoscopic image of the prostate surgery.

This advanced procedure and technology allows the surgeon to be based anywhere in the world and yet perform a surgical procedure on a patient.

Most of all the above mentioned procedures are always performed under general anesthesia. However, occasionally, the prostrate surgery may be conducted under a spinal block.

After the Prostate Surgery

The hospitalization stay depends upon the procedure which is used for the prostate surgery. On an average the conventional prostate surgeries require about four to seven days of hospitalization.

  • Immediately after the surgery, a 24 hour bed rest is of essence. After that mobility is encouraged.
  • The patient is put on to an intravenous drip along with the prescription of analgesics and anti-biotics to relieve pain and control infections.
  • A urine catheter is placed to drain the urine. The catheter is removed after 3 days.
  • Complete recovery takes almost up to 6 weeks time.

Ensure Special Attention to the Following After a Prostatectomy

  • Do not lift any heavy weights.
  • Refrain from strenuous exercise of any kind.
  • Rest frequently
  • Make sure that breathing exercises are done to prevent respiratory infections.
  • Bed-side exercises are critical to prevent the development of clots.
  • Driving is prohibited for 3 to 6 weeks.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday.
  • A diet that is rich in fiber is an essential aspect of the management.

Watch Out for These, and Report to Your Surgeon Immediately

  • Any kind of urinary trouble: green-yellow urine, burning during urination, offensive urine, blood in urine, difficulty in urinating.
  • Difficulty in breathing and persistent cough.
  • Increased pain
  • Difficulty in eating and drinking
  • Fever

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Common Problems Encountered After Prostatectomy

  • Urinary Problems: The prostatectomy makes your stream stronger but it will take about a few months before the pain and discomfort completely disappear.
  • Urinary Incontinence: After prostatectomy, some patients may find it difficult to control their urination. This is a short term problem and the recovery time depends on the severity of the problem prior to the surgical excision of the prostate.
  • Bleeding: Bleeding occurs in the first week or so after the surgical removal. This may be manifested in the form of blood in the urine, which would disappear after some bed rest and intake of fluids. However in case excessive bleeding is observed it is essential to consult the surgeon.
  • Sexual function: Though the surgery does not affect the sexual functions, it renders a male incapable of having children. This is primarily as the surgery interferes with the function of a muscle which plays the role of diverting sperms through the penis and blocking the enterance of the bladder. After prostatectomy, sperms enter the bladder and are voided out with urine.
  • Other problems include nerve damage, breathing difficulties and infections.

Prostatectomy in India

India grants the most favorable and finest medical care facilities, and embraces all the contemporary and advanced surgical procedures and equipments. The various surgeries required for prostate diseases are carefully and cleverly handled.

Prostatectomy in Mexico

Due to its proximity to the United States of America and its acquaintance with U.S. cultural practices, Mexico has emerged as a hub for medical tourists.

Advances in medical technology, coupled with trained and qualified medical professionals and several JCI accredited hospitals, Mexico is apt to provide the best quality of medical care to medical tourists.

Prostatectomy in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is quickly emerging as a destination for medical tourism, as it offers excellent health care management through the use of modern and sophisticated gadgets, surgical procedures, and well experienced surgeons.

Prostatectomy in Turkey

Turkey makes available superior and highly developed surgical procedures and high end facilities at a fraction of the cost that is charged in the United States of America.

The doctors and surgeons are highly accomplished and capable of providing the best possible care for the patient.

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