Knee Amputation Cost: Save 70% of US and Canada Prices
International Destinations: India, Mexico, Jordan, Costa Rica, and Thailand

Individuals opting for a knee amputation surgery abroad have diverse alternatives to choose from in terms of centers and packages. India, Mexico, Jordan, Costa Rica, and Thailand are some of the locations for cost-effective and quality knee amputation surgery abroad.

Types Of Knee Amputation

A knee amputation in Tijuana, Mexico, Delhi, India, or other medical tourism destination can help one circumvent higher costs, long waiting lists, or unavailability of advanced medical facilities in their native place.

Globally, several destinations have now emerged as important medical tourism centers which offer affordable, safe, and prompt knee amputation surgeries to patients coming in from overseas.

Knee Amputation in India and Mexico

Knee amputation in Mexico and India is offered at comparably lower prices than in the US and Canada. We work with qualified Mexican surgeons who use advanced technology to perform the surgery. Medical tourism in Mexico and India has advanced over the years and the quality of health care provided in these countries is a top drawer. The treatment and facilities are at par with what one would find in the West.

Mexico receives majority of its medical travelers from the US and Canada, while India is popular among people from Africa, West Asia, and the UK. Another option suitable for Americans and Canadians is knee amputation surgery in Costa Rica.

Knee Amputation in Thailand

The low cost of knee amputation surgery in Bangkok combined with the high standards of care at hospitals in Thailand work with makes it a desired destination for medical tourists, especially those from Australia and New Zealand. Pocket-friendly hotels and airfares also make Thailand a good option.


Did you know?

In the United States alone, there are almost 2 million people living with limb loss.1

A Word of Caution

When considering knee amputation surgery abroad, one should choose a destination which is worth their time, effort, and money. Knee amputation surgery is a complex procedure and it is important to opt for a well-equipped medical center with experienced staff.

US Amputation Stats

Why is Knee Amputation Advised?

A knee amputation surgery is advised principally to stop the spread of infections or damage to other body parts. Besides chronic pain in the lower limb due to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), following are the other reasons:

Diabetic Foot Infection or Gangrene

Due to high blood sugar levels over the years, diabetic individuals may face multiple skin and foot problems related to Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) which could lead to the narrowing of arteries.

As per a 2017 study by Salih Beyaz and colleagues, untreatable foot problems due to diabetes may require lower extremity amputations.2


Did you know?

Foot problems are prevalent in 10% to 25% of diabetic individuals.2

Cancerous Bone or Soft Tissue Tumors

The presence of fatal tumors in the muscles of the lower limb area may be another reason for below-knee amputation.

Severe Limb Injuries

Sometimes a vehicle mishap causes a massive injury to the lower limb region, thus leading to bone fractures and nerve injuries. If the injury is beyond repair, it may need an amputation.

Bone Infection

If there is an untreatable bone infection in the lower limb, removal may be required.

Congenital Limb Defects

A general reason for a below-knee amputation among small children is the limb fails to grow or form completely.

Benefits of Knee Amputation Abroad

The low cost of medical procedures is the number one reason why people travel offshore. Besides savings there are various other reasons for people seeking knee amputation surgery overseas, including:

Top-Notch Facilities

Some of the facilities offered by providers include private spacious rooms and 24*7access to hospital services.

To convey their commitment to meet international standards for patient safety and quality care, many reputable hospitals abroad choose to be accredited by the JCI (The Joint Commission) and the ISO (The International Organization for Standardization).

Uncompromised Quality

Many people think that the low cost of medical procedure equals to compromising on quality. But that is not the case. The reason behind lower prices is the lower costs of malpractices, lower labor costs, and subsidized education.

Vacation Opportunity

An additional advantage of travelling to a foreign land is enjoying the much awaited vacations! Some hospitals help arrange for private tours and sightseeing as well.

Comprehensive Medical Packages

You can avail of our medical packages, and have a happy and stress-free medical trip abroad.

*TnC apply.

Benefits Of Knee Amputation Abroad

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Types of Knee Amputations

Knee amputations can either be below-knee or above-knee amputations. Let’s look at these closely:

Above-knee amputationinvolves the following:

  • It is most often performed for advanced soft-tissue sarcomas (tumors) of the distal thigh and leg or for primary bone sarcomas of the distal femur and proximal tibia.
  • An above the knee amputation can go right up to the hip, and is therefore more complicated and time consuming, as compared to the below-knee amputations.
  • Above-knee amputations performed for tumors of the distal femur or sarcomas of the distal thigh tend to be performed at a higher level than the standard above-knee amputations.
  • By contrast, tumors of the leg are treated with the standard above-knee amputation.
  • In this operation, the bone in the thigh (femur) is divided about 12-15 centimeters above the knee joint and the muscle and skin closed over the end of the bone.

Below-knee amputationinvolves the following:

  • It involves everything – from amputation of a single toe to the complete leg below the knee.
  • This type of amputation is administered for people with critical limb ischemia (lack of blood supply) caused by advanced vascular disease or diabetic foot infection.
  • Keeping the knee joint gives a better chance of walking using an artificial leg or prosthesis and social independence after the amputation.
  • This operation can be performed using 2 major techniques – skew flap and posterior flap. It is easier to perform, less complicated, and the recovery is faster.

Did you know?

In the USA, the lower extremity amputations are the second most common amputations reported.3

Major Indications of Lower Limb Amputations

According to a 2017 study by Farman Ali and colleagues4“The most common indication for major limb amputation was diabetic foot complications in 87.6%, followed by chronic non healing ulcer and peripheral vascular disease.”

Indications Of Lower Limb Amputation

Flying Back Home After Surgery

Following are some of the points to keep in mind while flying after knee amputation surgery:

  • First and foremost, wear comfortable clothes.
  • Do not hesitate to ask for wheelchair support. It will help you from exhausting walks inside the airport and long queues.
  • Reserve bulkhead seating. It provides extra space to get in and out, and is usually reserved for people with special needs.
  • Carry extra prosthetic socks and socket liner.
  • Stretch and move around on the plane to avoid blood clots

Preventing DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

You are at a greater risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) if you are flying after a recent surgery. DVT is a condition in which a blood clot is formed in one of the deep veins in the body (generally in your legs).

Sometimes prolonged bed rest or a surgery increases the risk of blood clots as there is not enough blood circulation in legs and calf muscles.

As mentioned earlier, to reduce your chances of DVT, make sure to stretch out regularly on your seat and move around on the plane.

Knee Amputation Surgery – Recovery

Post knee amputation surgery, there is a considerable period of hospitalization which can stretch from 2-4 weeks. During this period, the patient is under observation to ensure that the body’s functions are returning to normal and that there are no complications.

After the patient is sent home, follow up visits and regular medication are very essential, according to the schedule drawn out by the surgeon.

One major after-effect of an amputation surgery is psychological trauma and emotional discomfort, and a knee amputation is no exception. A phenomenon of phantom limb is also experienced by most amputees.

Pain, discomfort and light fever post the surgery is normal, but if extreme, it should be immediately reported to the surgeon.

The recovery procedure consists of three major phases including:

When you wake up post surgery, there will be bandages and a cast over your leg. There may be pain in your remaining leg but it will be covered with painkillers.

A very imperative part of the recovery process is physical rehabilitation. The process begins with simple exercises which can be done lying down or sitting. During this period, you will indulge in reconditioning of your muscles, relearn walking, balancing, and coordination.

Follow-up is integral part of the treatment. Be sure you go to all appointments and communicate your concerns (if any) to your surgeon.

Frequently Asked Questions

A 2017 study by Wu JT and colleagues suggests an overall survival rate of knee amputation surgery as 75% at one year and 66%, 64%, 59%, and 58% for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year respectively.5

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
 75%  66%  64%  59%  58%

Survival Rate Of Knee Amputation Surgery

Generally speaking, it depends on your activity levels prior to surgery. Some people may return to their routine quickly while others may take some time.

Having realistic expectation always helps. Talk to your surgeon and set realistic goals, post surgery.  Communicate with people who have undergone an amputation or a similar procedure as this may be extremely useful.

The initial consultation may consist of the following:

  • A comprehensive medical examination reviewing your physical condition, bladder functions, lungs and cardiovascular system.
  • An evaluation of your healthy limb as removal of one limb can strain the remaining limb.
  • A psychological assessment as amputation may impact your mental well-being.
  • Determining your post-op care and needs.

One of the main causes of limb loss is vascular disease, which accounts for 54% of all the amputation cases.1 Contact us now to know how medical tourism can help you!

The following may be helpful:

  • At all times, it is important to protect the incision area from any kind of injury after surgery.
  • Follow your surgeon’s advice and wear the cast or compression garment exactly as directed.
  • Stop smoking as it is associated with various complications like delayed wound healing.
  • Maintaining proper glucose levels is essential if you suffer from diabetes mellitus.
  • Having a good support system at home may help. So, for initial few days post surgery, ask your family members for help.

When you get back home, you may need to make certain changes to move around safely like re-arranging the furniture, adding extra lights, and installing grab bars in washroom.


  • Consume your regular diet.
  • Don’t worry if you have irregular bowel movements as it is common. Instead include fiber in your diet and consult your doctor about taking a mild laxative if the problem persists.


  • If previously (before surgery) you were taking blood thinners or any other medicines, consult your doctor before starting them again.
  • Take pain killers as directed.
  • Do not self-medicate; instead ask your doctor for help.
  • Complete a full course of antibiotics and do not stop taking them with your will.


  • Stay active and energetic. Discuss with your doctor about what you can do.
  • While sitting or standing up, make sure you put equal weight on both hips.
  • Do not sit in one position for long hours; instead make movements every now and then.
  • Make use of wheelchair to move around.

Remaining Limb Care

  • Regularly check for irritation, rashes, and redness. Immediately tell your doctor if you notice any problem.
  • Shower when your doctor says it’s OK to go ahead with it. Initially, you may require help. Wash the remaining limb with water and soap, and sponge down later on.
  • If you have a temporary prosthetic leg, remove it before you go to bed.

Home Care Tips Post Knee Amputation

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  1. Amputee-Coalition.
  2. Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
  3. AHC Media. Issue date  May 1, 2017
  4. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research.
  5. Wu JT, Wong M, Lo ZJ, et al. A Series of 210 Peripheral Arterial Disease Below-Knee Amputations and Predictors for Subsequent Above-Knee Amputations. Annals of Vascular Diseases. 2017;10(3):217-222. doi:10.3400/avd.oa.17-00046.