Watch this testimonial on gastric bypass in Tijuana – Mexico and find out how Kelly from Washington loved her entire experience. She had such faith on the abilities of her bariatric surgeon that she didn’t even look into other companies!

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“Hi. My name is Kelly Yamane and I am from Washington. And, how I found Medical Tourism Co., was that I was looking online for gastric bypass and my insurance in the States wouldn’t cover it. They wouldn’t cover anything. And I found a YouTube video and I found the wonderful Dr. Green.
“I watched videos and listened to testimonies and my husband Keith… you can come cover if you want… He started asking questions and… and we just made up our mind that it was going to happen because everyone was so happy with their results. They were so happy with Dr. Green that I knew immediately that he would be the surgeon that would perform my gastric bypass.
“I did not look into any other companies. Um, I wanted Medical Tourism Co. as soon as I saw your videos. There were other companies but it was just Dr. Green. The minute I saw him, I listened to him and I heard what people had to say about him. That was it for me. I knew this man was going to take care of me.
“It was smooth. Everything was smooth. If we had a question, it was answered right away. All the way up till now, everything has been perfect. My surgery was wonderful. I don’t hurt. And I know that for some people, they are going to hurt but I don’t. I’m fortunate and I have had a wonderful experience.
“Everyone at Florence hospital, the staff is amazing. You ring the bell, the nurse is there. You don’t get this kind of courtesy in the states. My surgery was on 25.09.17 so today is 28.9.17. So, three days ago. Yeah! I feel great.
“I think the service provided by our destination manager was wonderful. She’s beautiful, she’s sweet, giving and honest and a great help. She will do what you ask her to do and she doesn’t hesitate to do it. And I don’t think that there is anything that you could do differently that could improve it even more.
“Everything is in place. Everything is in place from the time you land at the airport, to the coming across to the border, to coming to your hotel room, to going to the hospital, to coming back. Everything is in a system and it is perfect. It’s not broken. It doesn’t need to be fixed.”
Want to see another testimonial where the surgery was performed by the top bariatric surgeon in Tijuana? Check out Andrea Lea’s review on Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana, Mexico. Another happy client, she loved her experience with Dr. Green!

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