Your photographs help provide an accurate quote. Here is a guide you on how to take and send photos to your surgeon.

Cosmetic Surgery Photos - Basic Instructions

  1. Make sure the camera directly faces the area that needs treatment. For this, you can keep the camera on a tripod/table or take someone's help.
  2. Take photographs in a brightly lit room and do not stand too close to the wall behind you.
  3. Avoid capturing background objects in the photo. If possible, click the photos against a white/light background. You can also hang a white or light-colored sheet in the background.
  4. Remove any clothing or jewelry that is covering the area you want treated.

What Areas Should Your Photo Include?

Facial Photo Instructions

  1. Take the photos from the top of your head to your collarbones.
  2. Keep your facial features relaxed. Do not smile or frown.
  3. Make sure your hair is tied and not obstructing the face.
  4. Take 3 shots:
    • 1 front view shot.
    • 2 side views shots.

Guide Picture - Face

Arm Photo Instructions

  1. Lift your arm so that loose skin is visible.
  2. The photo should capture your your arm as well as your shoulder.
  3. Do not flex or tense your muscles.

Guide Picture - arm

Breast Photo Instructions

  1. Take the photos from just below the neck to the bellybutton.
  2. Keep arms in their natural position at your sides.
  3. Do not tighten your muscles and breathe naturally.
  4. Take 3 shots:
    • 1 front view shot.
    • 2 side view shots

Guide Picture - Breasts

Abdominal Photo Instructions

  1. Take the photos from midriff to pelvis.
  2. Do not suck-in your abdomen. Breathe naturally to keep your abdomen in a relaxed state.
  3. Keep your arms in natural position at your sides.
  4. You can wear undergarments but make sure your they are not covering the abdomen.
  5. Take 4 shots:
    • 1 front view shot.
    • 2 side view shots
    • 1 back view shot.

Guide Picture - Abdomen

Hip and Buttock Photo Instructions

  1. Take the photos from your waist to knee.
  2. Keep your muscles relaxed.
  3. Undergarments shouldn't cover the area you want treated.
  4. Take 4 shots:
    • 1 front view shot.
    • 2 side view shots
    • 1 back view shot.

Guide Picture - Lower Body Lift

Send Your Photos

Email the photos to your case manager.

  • Make sure the photos are less than 1 MB in size.
  • Do not put your name in the photos to ensure privacy.

Photo instructions - sending email

Privacy Concerns While Sending Photos?

Any photos you send to us will be solely used for consultation with your cosmetic surgeon.

Here are some tips to ensure your privacy is maintained:

  1. Your face should not be there in the photos unless you are sending photos for a facial surgery.
  2. If you prefer not to email, you can contact your case manager for an alternative means of sending photos.

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