If your BMI has crossed 40 and if the workout is not an option anymore, you may be an ideal candidate for gastric sleeve surgery.

But here’s the rub: you know what ails you, but you can’t bear the weight of surgery cost.

You may want to consider gastric sleeve in Jordan.

Suffice it to say at this point that there are thousands like you who can vouch for medical tourism as a life-changing (for good, of course) journey.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What Should You Expect After Sleeve Surgery?

  • The surgery entails the removal of 60-85% of your stomach, and you can expect to lose 30-60% of the baggage within 12 months of the surgery.
  • If you think this removal would adversely impact the physiology and stomach function, do not worry. The nerves to the stomach and pylorus are not touched, thereby keeping your stomach functioning intact.
  • However, you’d have to restrict stuffing. Contrary to how George Orwell describes human beings, you’d cease to be “a bag for putting food.”
  • Expect your idea of ‘self’ to change dramatically. You may find yourself playing ball with your child, flinging Frisbee for your pet to fetch and enjoying all other physical activities you’d given up hope on. You’d come across as a confident individual who just got a new lease on life.

5 Reasons to Fly to Jordan for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Jordan could be 40-60% lower than that in the US, Canada, European nations, the UK, or other developed parts of the world.
  • Our network doctors in Jordan are highly qualified and adept at various types of weight-loss surgeries.
  • Jordan is celebrating its bicentenary since the rediscovery of Petra which stands formidable in the guild of must-see places on Earth. Petra, no doubt, competes with Machu Picchu or Angkor Wat for the title of the world’s most intriguing ‘lost city.’
  • There is a lot to explore in Jordan, from ruined Roman cities to the brook where Jesus was baptized to the mountain where Moses first set eyes on the ‘Promised Land.’  Gastric sleeve surgery in Amman, Jordan, may well be your calling to the Promised Land.
  • Jordan is the top medical healthcare provider in the Arab region and North Africa, according to a study commissioned by the World Bank. The same study ranks Jordan fifth world over. Many Jordan Hospitals are JCI accredited, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Travel Tips for Obesity Surgery Seekers in Jordan

If you’ve made up your mind to travel to Amman, Jordan, for sleeve gastrectomy, these tips should serve some purpose –

  • The city has a well-established ATM network.
  • Though major currencies are accepted, the Dinar is the national currency which is easily changeable.
  • A three-month tourist visa is issued which can be further extended for another three months.
  • Arabic is the native language. English is widely understood and spoken.
  • Get in touch with Ministry of Health officials at the airport itself. This Jordanian government initiative is in the direction of making medical tourism easy.

Jordan, without a doubt, is gaining popularity as a medical tourism destination, thanks to the doctors and surgeons in Amman, Jordan. A gastric sleeve in Jordan would not just help you shed the excess baggage but would work wonders for your self-esteem without costing a fortune.

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