Dr. Hitesh Kubadia is an Orthopaedic Surgeon from India, who is trained in Conventional & Navigated Knee Replacement surgeries. He was fellow of the Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia, where he understood the intricacies of Computer assisted Joint Replacement and Arthroscopic reconstructions.

The Doctor knows the art of getting alignments of Total Knee Replacements as good as computer navigation without using computers and is actively involved in managing, assisting and taking care of a large number of Arthroplasty patients especially of hip, knee and shoulder.

Areas of Expertise

  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Joint Replacement Surgery

Training and Work Experience

  • February 2008 to April 2008 Fellow of Joint Replacement Surgery – Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA,
    • With this hands on fellowship, I really understood the intricacies of Computer assisted Joint Replacement and Arthroscopic reconstructions.
    • With senior stalwarts like Prof. J. Krishnan and Dr. M. Penta, this international experience became rich in its sense.
  • February 2007 to January 2010 Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon – Fortis (Formerly Wockhardt) Hospital, Associate Hospital of Harvard Medical International (JCI Accredited), Bombay, INDIA.
    • Promoted within the institute and my responsibilities were increased to run the academic program.
    • Formerly a full timer and now as a visiting Consultant.
  • November 2005 till January 2007 Junior Consultant, Orthopaedics – Wockhardt Hospital, Associate Hospital of Harvard Medical International (JCI Accredited), Bombay, INDIA.
    • Assisted in a variety of arthroplasties with special emphasis on Hip and Shoulder resurfacing with Dr. K. Malhan. It is here that I have learnt a lot of technical details and a lot of fine pointers to the success of this surgery.
    • Total Knee Arthroplasties are a daily thing here with other senior surgeon like Dr. M. Sawant and Dr. M. Patil.
    • Responsibilities also include being a part of the Trauma team of the hospital, which works on the guidelines of ATLS.
    • Active participant in managing a variety of Complex Orthopaedic trauma, Arthroscopic reconstructions and various spinal disorders.
  • June 2005 to August 2005 Fellowship in Reconstructive Surgery – LKH (Orthopaedic Hospital), Stolzalpe, AUSTRIA.
    • International Centre for Orthopaedic Education (ICOE) accredited.
    • Was actively integrated into the Hip and Knee team. Actively assisted in a variety of osteotomies especially those around the knee, hip labral tear fixations and arthroscopic reconstructions about the knee.
    • Primary and Revision Joint arthroplasties formed the major chunk of the experience at this tertiary orthopaedic centre.
    • Learnt the art of getting alignments of Total Knee Replacements as good as computer navigation without using computers.
    • My outlook opened with this international exposure.
  • August 2004 to May 2005 – Fellowship in Reconstructive Surgery With Dr. J.J. Bunshah Parsee General Hospital, Masina Hospital, Cumballa Hill Hospital & Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, INDIA.
    • Here I learnt about the principles, preoperative planning and execution of Joint Arthroplasties.
    • Actively involved in managing, assisting and taking care of a wide variety of Arthroplasty patients especially of hip, knee and shoulder.
    • Actively assisted surgeries of complex trauma with phenomenal success.
    • Dr. J.J. Bunshah is one of the finest teachers with a great appetite for continous learning and working with him, surely has had a beautiful rubbing off effect.
  • February 2004 to July 2004 – Clinical Assistant, Orthopaedics. Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Bombay, INDIA.
    • Worked with senior stalwarts like J.C.N.Joshipura, Dr. S. Modi & Dr. D.D. Tanna and young dynamic surgeons like Dr. A. Pispati, Dr. D.F. Soonawala and Dr. Sanjay Desai.
    • The experience here was multifaceted which included from basic to complex orthopaedic trauma, primary to revision arthroplasties including hip resurfacing, reconstructions, arthroscopies and arthroscopic reconstructions of knee and shoulder, basic spine surgeries to complex spinal instrumentation including scoliosis correction.
    • Operated independently under supervision on majority of trauma, basic spine surgeries and quite a few arthroplasties.
    • Was responsible to run the academic programme of the department and did so with flare and smoothness.
  • August 2003 to January 2004 - Registrar, Department of Orthopaedics M.T.Agrawal Municipal Hospital, Bombay, INDIA.
    • Under the supervision of Dr. R.K. Pathak and Dr. S.C. Joshi, was responsible for the smooth running of the department.
    • Being a Municipal set-up, the flow of patients was very large in the outpatient department and also in the accident and emergency room.
    • Independently managed and operated a large number of Orthopaedic Trauma especially Intra-articular fractures, spine and a few Arthroplasties as well.
  • November 2002 to July 2003 – Assistant to Dr. J.J. Bunshah Parsee General Hospital and Masina General Hospital, Bombay, INDIA.
    • Working under senior Orthopaedic surgeon like Dr. J.J. Bunshah, was exposed to the intricacies of decision making in orthopaedics with sizeable number of reconstructive work and was actively involved in the same.
  • October 1999 to September 2002 - Resident Postgraduate Student J.S.S. Medical College and Hospital, Mysore, INDIA.
    • This residency programme recognized by the medical council of India for postgraduate training in Orthopaedic surgery was with Prof. J.S. Hegde who was also the head of the department.
    • Apart from the clinical responsibilities, it was my responsibility to teach graduate medical students in my early years and then my juniors in the form of lectures and case presentations.
    • Presented various seminars and journal clubs which were a part of the training program.
    • Was primarily involved in organizing a state level CME course and saw to it that it was a success.
    • These three years included a rotation in plastic surgery and accident and emergency.
    • Completed a dissertation ‘Standard Modular Floor Reaction Orthosis in Post-Polio Residual Paralysis Patients’ under the guidance of Prof. J.S. Hegde.
    • Trained to manage and operate independently a majority of orthopaedic trauma, basic spine surgery and was exposed to Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty.
    • Stood first in the exam of M.S.(Orth) in that year.
  • February 1999 to September 1999 - Senior House Officer, Department of Orthopaedics. Parsee General Hospital, Bombay, INDIA.
  • May 1998 to January 1999 - Senior House Officer, Department of General Surgery. Parsee General Hospital , Bombay, INDIA.
  • Febrauary 1997 to January 1998 - Rotating Internship KEM Hospital, Bombay and PHC Nasrapur, Pune., INDIA.


  • Fellowship in Joint Replacement & Arthroscopic Reconstructive Surgeries (2008) – Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA.
  • Fellowship in Joint Replacement Surgeries, (2005) – LKH (Orthopaedic Hospital), Stolzalpe, Stolzalpe 38, 8852 Stolzalpe, AUSTRIA. – International Centre for Orthopaedic Education (ICOE) accredited
  • Fellowship in Reconstructive Surgeries (2004-2005) – Dr. J.J. Bunshah, Bombay, INDIA.
  • Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics), (1999-2002) – Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Medical College, Mysore, INDIA. -(Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka)
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), (1992-1998) – Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Medical College, Pune, INDIA. – (Pune University, Maharashtra)

Papers Presented

  • ‘Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of ‘Standard Modular Floor Reaction Orthosis in Post polio residual paralysis’ at the Karnataka Orthopaedic Association conference, Davangere, Karnataka, India, Feb 2001.
  • ‘200 Titanium Mesh cages implanted— Lessons learnt’ in Western India Regional Conference (WIROC) , Mumbai, Dec 2006
  • Professional Memberships

    Life Member — Bombay Orthopaedic Society

  • Life member — Indian Orthopaedic Association

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