Stem cell therapy is emerging as a promising option for the treatment of many diseases and serious medical conditions. Patients treated by these ‘Master Cells’, have reported encouraging initial results.

One such potential use of stem cells is in treating orthopedic conditions, especially for knee joints. For people considering Stem cell treatment in India for Orthopedic diseases, the following information could be of help.

Stem Cell Basics

  • Stem cells are the undifferentiated founder cells of the body.
  • Such cells have a remarkable potential to differentiate into various other types of cells.
  • When a stem cell divides, it can either remain unchanged or, if induced, give rise to a more differentiated cell such as a muscle cell or blood cell.
  • Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine in which these cells are introduced into the damaged tissue of the body.
  • They regenerate and replace the damaged cells of the human body, thereby curing the diseases or conditions.

Orthopedics Conditions That Are Treated Using Stem Cells

Stem cells have multiple usages in orthopedics. As of now, in India, only stem cell therapy for knee problems is approved and used commercially. One of its major uses is in the area of bone regeneration, especially where bone loss, bone union, or fusion is required.

The Procedure Overview

  • Mesenchymal stem cells extracted from the patient’s iliac crest are used for treatment.
  • Bone marrow is collected from the patient’s body using a needle and syringe.
  • The marrow is then centrifuged to extract the stem cells.
  • These extracted cells are inserted into the site of injury.
  • On reaching the site, the stem cells differentiate to become the desired cells.

Highlights of Stem Cell Treatment in India for Orthopedics

  • Renowned orthopedic surgeon of India.
  • Has received training and experience from England, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore.
  • Has done more than 2500 knee and hip replacement surgeries.
  • Is the author of many publications.
  • 200-bedded hospital that specializes in orthopedics and joint replacement.
  • State-of-the-art facilities.
  • Well-equipped with modern equipments.
  • English speaking medical staff.

Stem cell therapy in India for orthopedics is an easy and affordable option for patients across the globe, who find it unaffordable in their home countries.

Many patients who have undergone stem cell treatments in India have reported reassuring results.

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