The video shows a leading implantologist and periodontist in Mexico discussing his education and experience. The dentist is based in Cancun and has been responsible for spreading awareness of dental implants in Cancun city.

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Periodontist and Implant Dentist from Mexico

“I have been trained in National University of Mexico. My speciality is periodontics. I am familiar with dental implants since 1997, long time ago and I am one of the founder …of the first dental program at the Mexico, of the implants, at National University. Actually I am working, my private practice like a Periodontist so lots and lots of dental implants and that’s my main…

I have been member of many associations. Actually I have a fellowship of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. We attend conferences in the many places, not only in United States ….Several years ago, many-many years ago, my last lecture was in Oaxaca, here in Mexico for free for the people. Something that I like. Now I try to attend every year once or twice a year to go to these kinds of meetings, very big dental meetings in United States or any other places in the world.”

Cancun is at the epicentre of dental tourism activity in Mexico, thanks to its highly qualified workforce and low cost of dental care in the city. The benefits of low cost of living are passed to where they belong – the coffers of the customer. Cancun cosmetic dentistry is surely a force to be reckoned with which is only matched by the cosmetic dentistry in Tijuana or Los Algodones.

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