India is one of the most popular Medical Tourism destination. Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates medical treatment at the top hospitals in India.

Medical Tourism in India

Medical Tourism Corporation works with world-class leaders of the healthcare industry. Our partners in India are:

Historically, medical tourism from surrounding South Asian & Middle East countries to India has been very popular. Now, a growing number of people from the USA and Canada are also visiting India for Medical Tourism.

The primary reason why India is now becoming such a popular medical tourism destination for the westerners

  • High quality of private medical care
  • Low-cost treatment
  • English is widely spoken
  • A big pool of US & UK returned doctors & surgeons.

Other points in favor of India are:

  • A peaceful democracy for last more than 50 years
  • Independent & mature legal system (although the proceedings are very slow)
  • A wide variety of tourism options.
  • Fixed medical treatment package price that is known in advance.

Some drawbacks are:

  • Long flight. (About 18 hrs from USA & Canada)
  • Lack of public infrastructure

Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates medical treatment to top Hospitals in India.

Visit India's top hospitals!

Start your journey with MTC

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