Are you flying with medicines post-surgery? Then this article will provide you with all the information you need while flying with medication.

Are you flying with medicines post-surgery? Then this article will provide you with all the information you need while flying with medication.

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Tips To Remember When Traveling With Medication

Packing Medications For Flying

Remember these essential tips when flying with medication, and have a smooth and relaxed trip. 

A lady packing medicines for her flight

  • Plan to ensure you have all the medication you need while you're away from home or returning home from surgery abroad.
  • Pack the medicines in an organized manner. Keep in mind unfortunate incidents. This will help you eliminate any discomfort if there are any delays.
  • Pack all medications in your carry-on bag rather than your checked luggage. Then you will have all your medicines even if your baggage is lost or delayed.


Pro Tip

Do not use pill organizers to pack your medicines if traveling by plane. Always pack them in their original container. This will make the process of passing through customs in any country quicker.

  • Pack enough of your medication to last the entire trip, plus a little extra in case of delays.
  • If you buy your prescription drugs on insurance, check if your plan allows you to pick up more than one month's medicine supply at a time.                     Since some plans do not allow this. If so, you may need an insurance override to stock up on your medicines.


Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has no rules on the number of pills and other "solid form" medicine you can bring on the flight.[1]

Things To Remember While Flying With Prescription Medication

Airlines have specific rules and guidelines regarding flying with medications.

These differ from country to country. Each has different rules and regulations, but these few tips will help you have a relaxed journey, whichever country.

Bring a doctor's note explaining why you're carrying the medicine if asked about it.


It is best to have a sheet of paper with the following information -

  • Full name of the medicine, including strength (for example, venlafaxine ER 75 mg)
  • Instructions/frequency for taking it (for example: take one capsule by mouth daily)
  • Full name & phone number of the prescribing physician
  • Prescription number
  • Pharmacy phone number
  • Pharmacy insurance information: BIN number, PCN, ID number, and group

This will help if you need to refill your medications while traveling.

You can experience different side effects from your regular prescription drugs when they're away from home.

Check and review potential side effects and plan.

When traveling to a country, be sure to research the different laws about the medication before you go.


Pro Tip

Certain countries may require you to get a special permit or license to bring specific medicines into that country. So, always bring a copy of your prescription on your trip.


According to the TSA guidelines, you can bring your medication in pill or solid form in unlimited amounts as long as it is screened. You can travel with your medication in both carry-on and checked baggage.

However, we recommend carrying these items in your carry-on bag for immediate access and your doctor's prescription. The 3.4 ounces rule is not applicable for liquid medications.

You can carry medicines in liquid form over 3.4 ounces, but in reasonable quantities for the flight.[2]

Always carry prescription medications in their original containers with the doctor's prescription printed on the container.
Also, make sure you travel with no more than personal use quantities.

It is best not to carry medicines for more than a 90-day supply.[3]

If your medications or devices are not in their original containers, make sure you carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor.

Most states do check your medications. It is essential to declare your medically necessary liquids at the security checkpoint.

Make sure to declare all the liquid and gel items to the security screening officer, especially if these items are in bottles or containers larger than 3.4 ounces.[4]

Carry your prescription or a written list to present to security at the airport.

You can also keep doctor's notes, original prescription bottles or containers, and other documentation. This will ensure that the screening process goes smoothly and quickly.

The screening officer may also ask you to open your bottles or containers of liquid medication for inspection and testing.

This process may take time, so plan to get to the airport early.


Traveling with medication can be a bit of a hassle, but following these tips should help make the process smoother. Happy traveling!

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