Dental tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of medical tourism in Jordan.

Ranked by the World Bank amongst the top five leaders in healthcare, Jordan is already the destination of choice for people from neighboring Arab countries, such as UAE and Dubai.

Fast gaining acceptance amongst patients from the USA and Europe, Jordan has everything, from highly skilled doctors to state-of-the-art facilities, on offer. Be it dental crowns, root canals, or even cosmetic dentistry, Jordanian clinics cater to all dentistry needs.

One of the key reasons for the success of dental tourism in Jordan is the high level of expertise offered by dentists in the country. Of course, the highly attractive costs, which fall between 30 to 10% of costs in the USA, are another major draw for medical tourists.

The natural and religious appeal of the country is icing on the cake, with many visitors coupling their dentist appointments with a well-deserved vacation. Heavy investments in the sector by the government and high quality adherence have ensured that dental tourists receive excellent treatment and care.

For more information, read Medical Tourism in Jordan!

Why Jordan Is a Popular Destination for Dental Tourists?

Over the years, Jordan has become the preferred destination for a number of medical procedures, with cosmetic surgery and dental procedures topping the list. Some of the main reasons for this are:

Low cost of procedures: Jordan provides some of the most competitive rates in the world, which fall within the range of just 30 to 10 % of US costs.

State-of-the-art technology: Due to heavy investments by the government, and a number of other initiatives, most hospitals and clinics in the country are equipped with the best equipment available, even meeting international standards.

Highly skilled dentists: Jordan currently boasts of having the highest number of dentists with a Master's in Dentistry than anywhere else in the Middle East, a significant number of whom have been trained in the UK.

The extremely skilled dentists available in the country are the main reason for the success and growth of dental tourism in Jordan.

Ease of travel: Jordan is accessible via many options, air, sea, and land. Also many visitors either do not require a visa or can avail the visa-on-arrival facility, though a valid passport is a must.

No language barrier: Arabic is the local language in Jordan, apart from which most Jordanians speak English as their second language. Other commonly used languages are Russian, Chechen, and French.

Numerous vacationing options: Jordan is well known for its famous natural and religious sites. Particularly revered by the Christian and Muslim communities, Jordan is home to holy destinations such as Mount Nebo, River Jordan, Madaba Map, and many others. Nature lovers can enjoy blissful hours in the Dana National Reserve, Shawmari Wildlife Reserve, or the Mujib Wetland Reserve.

Apart from all this, the wide range of dental procedures, coupled with the attractive package deals offered by clinics, are other major attractions for dental tourists.

Popular Jordan Dentistry Trip Procedures

Dental Implants: An expensive procedure in most countries, dental implants are available at low costs and highest quality in Jordan. Single-day procedures are most popular in this category, as people can finish the entire procedure in one trip and will not be required to return for stage two.

Enjoying a world class spa experience at the Dead Sea is a great way to do away with any discomfort resulting from the procedure.

Cosmetic Dentistry: One of the most popular categories, the low costs and high quality available in Jordan make it a favored destination for people looking to enhance their dental aesthetics. This includes everything from dental bridges and veneers to contouring and much more.

Jordan’s commitment to high quality in healthcare is proven by the existence of its own domestic accreditation council, which is itself accredited by the ISQua.

Numerous hospitals are JCI accredited and meet the required ISO standards. These factors greatly increase customer confidence, reflected in the steady growth in dental tourism in Jordan.

Dental Bridges in Jordan: Below is the picture of before dental bridges were placed in a patient with bruxism (grinding of teeth)(left); After dental bridges were placed in the same patient.

Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates affordable medical & dental work in Jordan & other world-class medical & dental tourism destinations.

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