Tom Wilson famously remarked- “A smile is a facelift that’s in everybody’s price range.” It’s true that there are some of us who have artfully protected their smile from the vagaries of time, while, the majority lost their smiles along the way.

To the unfortunate amongst us, there is a reason to cheer. Dental implants in San Salvador, El Salvador might exactly be the affordable ‘facelift’ you’re looking for.

Of course, there are many cheaper alternatives such as dentures, but they aren’t as comfortable in the long run. To end the debate about dental implants vs. dentures, the procedure whose outcomes feels so natural that it’s hard to distinguish between the actual and the facsimile, comes out a clear winner.

3 Reasons to Get Teeth Implants in El Salvador

Does your laughter inspire laughter? Do you often stop before flashing your toothless grin? Can you not enjoy happiness with gay abandon?

Look no further and get back the winning smile of your glory days in San Salvador. If you are in good general health and have healthy gums that are free of periodontal disease, you should be able to get fixed replacement teeth in El Salvador.

However, there are a few other factors involved, and if you smoke, the success rate of the procedure dips considerably to 50-60% from the normal 95%. Once your candidature is ascertained, here is the list of reasons why getting artificial teeth in El Salvador is a good idea –

  • The Cost – When compared to the US and other first-world countries, the cost of teeth implants in El Salvador is 50-60% lower, even after accounting for travel and lodging. You may get a free estimate of dental implant prices in El Salvador before you embark on this journey.
  • Expert handling – Medical tourism in El Salvador is gradually gaining pace, thanks to the guild of doctors with stellar records. To make no bones about the competence of dentists in El Salvador, see for yourself the curriculum vitae of one such expert.
  • A holiday to remember – You can use some of the savings you made in reason number 1 to explore the pristine beauty of the country. El Salvador’s history is rich with legends and facts shared about freely in its streets. The ‘Olmec Boulder’ still maintains the vigil. El Salvador grows on you.

Tips for Dental Tourists in El Salvador

  • El Salvador adopted the US dollar in 2001. That’s great news for the American patients. It is advised you bring $20 bills or smaller. For your information, the old Salvador currency is still in circulation.
  • Most ATMs accept foreign debit cards with Plus/VISA/Cirrus/MasterCard affiliations.
  • Crime shouldn’t deter a traveler to El Salvador. The gang wars frequently erupt without causing tourist casualties. However, it is advised to follow basic safety precautions. Carry little cash, and avoid the display of expensive watches or jewelry, cameras, or other things that may invite trouble. If planning a volcano trail, ask for police assistance.
  • El Salvador has a tropical climate with two seasons – verano, or dry season, from November to April, and invierno, or wet season, from May to October.

The aesthetic benefit of getting teeth implants far outweighs the material cost. In the words of Doug Coupland – “A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you’re past it.”

This quote by Andrei Gromyko should aptly capture the essence of your life after getting dental implants in San Salvador, El Salvador – “Comrades, this man has a nice smile, but he’s got iron teeth.”

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