In this video testimonial, Rachelle and Lawrence Babb from Clearlake, CA review crowns and dental implants in Los Algodones, Mexico.

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Dental Implants & Crowns Testimonial- Los Algodones, Mexico
Disclaimer: Results may vary. We do not guarantee any specific outcomes.


“My name is Rachelle Babb and I come from Clearlake, California."


“Hi, I am Lawrence Babb from Clearlake, California.”

Why did you choose Los Algodones for dental work?


“We have friends that have come here all the time and we did some research on the internet and we are very satisfied with what we heard and what we read. “


“Did a lot of research on the internet and this was very highly recommended by other people that have came here to.”

What treatment did you receive?


“I received full caps on my teeth and crowns on all my teeth. “


“I have four implants and two crowns.”

Are you satisfied with your dental work?


“I am very happy. My doctor is definitely perfectionist and he made sure everything was perfect before I left and I like that. He was very, very good. “


“Very professional, very happy with how they handle everything”

How were the doctor and staff?


“Very helpful, they were very good. Made sure I understood everything, went through everything, and answered any questions I had. Very friendly”


“Very friendly, very informative”

How was your overall experience at the clinic?


“That was very good, very positive. We are telling all our friends and all our family."


“Excellent! I’ll always come back. I so love this place.”

Did we meet your expectations?


“Oh! Definitely, More than I expected! Definitely, more than I expected! I can certainly tell everybody about it and I am very happy with the work they did. Very natural looking, it’s very good.”


“Oh! Definitely”

How was your experience in Los Algodones?


“Oh I liked it. It was very good. Everybody is very friendly here. I have no fears about walking around town by myself or anything."


“Had to control her spending”

How was your border crossing experience?


“Oh, it’s very good. The lines are a little bit long but other than that there was no problem at all. Everybody was very friendly crossing the border. There were no problems at all.”

Did you visit our plaza?


“Oh yes, we in fact went there for lunch every day."


“Oh yes, we order there quite a bit. The food is excellent.”


“Service is very good too.”


“Got a coffee bar right next door where we used to have it”

Did you save a lot on your dental work in Algodones?


“Oh yes, we did. We actually, he actually went to the price of comparison from what it would cost us in the States compared to here. We saved a lot of money. A lot, it would have cost me three times as much in the States to get this work done and would not have been this fast.”

Would you recommend us?


“We were just very satisfied and myself recommending this to all the family and friends. We are telling them they are foolish to get anything done in the States to be honest.”


“Bringing my brother back here in June to do the finish-up work on these implants, and he’s got a lot of work to be done. So, he’s very excited about coming down here.”

Just like Rachelle and Lawrence, you too can plan a dental implants trip to Los Algodones and save upto 70% on various dental treatments.

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