The World Health Organization (WHO) experts recommend only 5% of the daily calorific intake to be derived from sugar.

Though the WHO experts are of the view that the 5% cap on sugar intake is a little challenging, they do opine that keeping one’s sugar intake restricted to the recommended figures will keep a check on dental caries and obesity.

The organization’s nutrition director Dr. Francesco Brana, opines that as the 5% goal is tough to meet, keeping one’s calorie intake from sugar restricted to 10% is a more practical and realistic approach.

In order to meet the recommended levels, Americans will have to cut down their sugar intake by as high as 67%. There are a number of studies that single out sugar as the prime antagonist in the global obesity epidemic.

A way to cut down sugar intake is to look for food labels. Sugar is often guided under fancy names, such as fructose, high-fructose corn syrup, diastatic malt, and dextrose.

Some ways to cut down one’s sugar intake are:

  • Eat your fruit, and don’t drink it; even worse if you drink packed juices.
  • Water is completely sugar-free; have water instead of sugar-laden fizzy drinks.
  • Bread has added sugars, too; restrict your intake.
  • Bake your cookies and cakes; add only a third of the amount of sugar as recommended by the recipe.

As per the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 92% of adult Americans have had tooth decay problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 37.5% of the adult American population is obese.

Such startling numbers are bound to come down, should Americans consider cutting down their sugar intake. Here is the detailed WHO report.

Learn more about sugar intake!

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