Below is the resume of Dr. Ronald Alberto Salazar Mora. Dr. Ronald is an expert in Gynecology and has gained lots of experience in all areas of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

He is a graduate in Medicine and Surgery from Universidad de Costa Rica and Post Graduate in from Gynecology and Obstetrics from the University of Costa Rica ( Universidad de Costa Rica). Dr. Ronald has done his basic and advanced laparoscopy training in the years 2006 and 2007, respectively.

He is working as Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Clínica Biblica since March 2004 until present. He also has strong teaching experience and is currently teaching Gynecology and Obstetrics at many leading medical schools in Costa Rica.

For more details, please refer to his resume below:

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Ronald Alberto Salazar Mora, M.D.

Medical Training

  • Residency
    Hospital de las mujeres Adolfo Carit Eva,1999 to 2001.
    – Provide both inpatient and outpatient care.
    – Gained exposure to all areas of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
  • Internship

Hospital William Allen, February 1997 through June 1998, and 1998 to 1999 emergency room Clínica Integrada de Tíbas
– Two years in the emergency room setting.


  • Medical – Postgraduate Degree, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Universidad de Costa Rica, January 1999 through March 2002
  • Undergraduate – Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Universidad de Costa Rica, February 1991 through December 1996.
  • Advances laparoscopy training 2007
  • Basic Laparoscopy trainig 2006
  • Best Practices in Gynecology, AGOG, San Jose, Costa Rica, November 2003
    Newborn Revival Course, Hospital de las Mujeres Adolfo Carit Eva, October 2003.
  • Advanced Heart Support Course, Centro de Desarrollo Estrategico e Informacion en Salud y Seguridad Social, C.E.N.D.E.I.S.S.S., 1999.
  • Cardio-Lung Revival Course, Centro de Desarrollo Estrategico e Informacion en Salud y Seguridad Social, C.E.N.D.E.I.S.S.S., 1997.

Professional Experience

  • Gynecologist for a U.S. insurance company since August 2002 until present.
  • Gynecologist and ecographist. Clinica Siglo XXI Alajuela and Clinica 2002 since January 2002 until present.
  • Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Clínica Biblica Omega building since march 2004 until present
  • General Physician. Hospital Alajuela Emergency Room, September 1998 through January 1999.
  • Special Assistant Physician, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Hospital de las Mujeres Adolfo Carit Eva Obstetrics Unit.
  • General Physician. Clinica Integrada de Tibas Emergency Room, June 1998 through January 1999.
  • General Assistant Physician. Hospital William Allen, February 1998 through June 1998
  • Obligatory Social Service. Clinica de Santa Teresits de Turrialba and Emergency Room Service, Hospital William Allen., February 1997 through January 1998.

Academic and Teaching Experience

  • Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics chair UCIMED. August 2003 until present.
  • Coordinator of Obstetrics Chair, Hospital de las Mujeres. February 2003 until present.Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Coordinator of investigation postgradue gynecologist .
  • Professor, Universidad de Costa Rica, Medical School. Part time lecturer for Course ME-6003, Obstetrics Course ME-4012, and Gynecology Course ME-4013.


  • 2003 – Second Place winner of free works at the V National Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the work “Post Childbirth Hemorrhages, a Prospective Research: Consequences, Risk Factors, Causes, and Diagnosis.”
  • 2003 – Honor Graduate, Postgraduate Degree program, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Universidad de Costa Rica.
  • 2001 – First place winner at the LXIII National Doctors Congress for the work “Gases of Umbilical Cord in Births with Circular of Neck Cord.”
  • 2001 – Second place winner of free works at the III National Obstetrics and Gynecology Congress for the work “Gases of Umbilical Cord in Births with Circular of Neck Cord.”
  • 1997 – Diploma for Academic Excellency for best grades in the Medical Science and Licenciatura Program in Medicine and Surgery, for the 1996 school year.
  • 1996 – Certificate for the Best Grades Achieved during the 1st school year.

Research and Publications

  • “Post Menopausic Bleeding (alternative approach),” Revista Médica de Costa Rica y Centroamérica, Year LXX, Number 565, Volume LX, October, November, and December 2003.
  • “A Guide Delivery in Handling the Third Period of Childbirth,” Acta Medica Costarricense, Volume 45, Supplement I, November 2003.
  • “Post Childbirth Hemorrhages, a Prospective Research: Consequences, Risk Factors, Causes, and Diagnosis,” Revista Obstetricia y Ginecologia, REVCOG, Volume II, Number 5, April -June 2002.
  • “Trans Vaginal Ultrasonography vs. Histerosonography in Endometrial Pathologies Diagnosis,” Volume Number 4, October-December 2001.
  • “Gases of Umbilical Cord in Births with Circular of Neck Cord,” Acta Médica Costariccense, Volume 43, Supplement I, November 2001.

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