Leading arthroscopic surgeon from India talks about his education and experience. He did his fellowship in joint replacement and arthroscopy from New York and Texas in US and in shoulder arthroscopy from Germany and Australia.

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Joint Replacement Surgery - India

“I am consultant joint replacement in arthroscopic surgeons. I did my fellowship in Joint replacement and arthroscopy in US, especially working in New York and Texas.

I did my Joint replacement and shoulder arthroscopy fellowships in Germany and Australia. I specialize in joint disorders. My field of interest is hip, knee, shoulder and elbow joints.

I specialize in doing replacement surgeries of all the major joints of the body and I am also keen in doing key whole surgeries of joint which is arthroscopy surgeries of the joints. This hospital is specialized into managing these joint disorders.

We have special surgical theaters for joint replacement of shoulders, for knee, hip and elbows. We also do lot of multi-ligament reconstructions, deformity correction surgeries and pediatric orthopedic surgeries in this hospital.

The hospital is well equipped with computer navigation technology which means that doing knee replacement has got far more accuracy than doing it without computers.  The hospital has got state-of-art theaters to do these surgeries and our equipments are world class.”

Patients from Abroad

“We get lot of patients from India and abroad especially from US, Canada, European countries, Middle-East countries like Iraq, Afghanistan. Seria. We also get patients from African continents especially Congo, Kenya, Nigeria. Most of these patients are very well satisfied with the quality of surgery which we are doing.

Our infection rate if negligible and success rate is close to 100%. The hospital also specializes in state-of-art theaters and post operative ICU care which means that even difficult cases with deformities, with joint disorders having concomitant problems like cardiac conditions can well be managed in this hospital.

The rehab facilities in this hospital are excellent. There are state-of-art equipment for rehabilitating patients who underwent major joint replacement surgeries.

The hospital has got dedicated physiotherapy unit which takes care of all the needs of the patients. We work as a team with cardio-thoracic surgeons, cardiologists, diabetic specialist and physiotherapist to give a holistic treatment to most of the patients which come to us for our care.”

With education from India and abroad, the arthroscopic surgeon in above video specializes in surgeries of all major joints in the body. However, the areas of his main interest include shoulder arthroscopy, knee arthroscopy, hip arthroscopy, and elbow arthroscopy.

The surgeon also performs keyhole surgery of joints like multi-ligament knee construction, deformity correction surgery and pediatric orthopedic surgery.

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