Have you been experiencing body pain, mood swings, fatigue, headaches, or constipation?
These could be signs of vitamin D deficiency. Read on to know more!

Vitamin D is the "Sunshine Vitamin."

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Signs & Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency

A study[1] stated an epidemic of vitamin D insufficiency among Americans due to inadequate sun exposure.

What Is Vitamin D?

The human body produces vitamin D when directly exposed to the sun.

It is a vitamin responsible for many vital bodily functions. It regulates and absorbs calcium and phosphorus from the food during digestion.

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Did you know?

Vitamin D is also known as the 'Immunity Vitamin' because it improves resistance to infections and diseases.

Adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for the growth and development of bones and teeth. While most people associate signs of vitamin D deficiency with the elderly, you should not ignore the alerts at any age group.

According to studies[2], about 41.6% of the American adult population has low vitamin D levels, which can cause serious health problems."

Low Vitamin D Symptoms

1) Chronic Muscle Pain

This symptom usually goes unnoticed as most people complain of chronic fatigue instead of muscle weakness or muscle ache.

2) Constant Back Aches

Constant back pain is another significant sign of low vitamin D levels.


According to the National Institute of Health[3], adults older than 50 years should have their vitamin D level checked at least once every one to two years due to risk factors for osteoporosis.

3) Tooth Decay

Are your teeth decaying despite being brushed after every meal? This could indicate the body isn't absorbing calcium.

Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. Without adequate vitamin D levels, signs of tooth decay might be noticeable.


4) Low Energy

Constant exhaustion, even during daytime naps, could signify a vitamin D deficiency.

In addition, constant muscle fatigue or bone aches could drain your energy faster.

5) Constipation

One cause of constipation is not getting enough fiber in your diet, yet another reason can be low vitamin D levels.


6) Skin Conditions

Inadequate levels of vitamin D can lead to several skin conditions and infections.

Some of these skin conditions can also reduce the skin's ability to make vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure. This will only worsen the skin condition.

Some studies show that older adults with darker skin are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency. [4]

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7) Risk for Disease

Another study[5] found that people with lower vitamin D levels tend to have a higher risk of complications such as -

  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

It is best to constantly check your vitamin D levels as a preventive measure against all diseases.

8) Bone Loss

Have you been experiencing hip, knee, or back pain while getting up from a chair or climbing stairs?

This could signify bone loss due to a lack of vitamin D.

Less vitamin D would mean not enough calcium is absorbed by your body.

This could be followed by signs of low bone density and severe bone aches, eventually causing permanent damage to your bone joints.


9) Mood Disorders

National Institute of Health states that signs of depression or bipolar the disorder could indicate symptoms related to a lack of vitamin D.[6]

This contributes to mood swings, hormonal changes, and low productivity.

10) Weight Gain and Obesity

Individuals who are obese have signs of vitamin D deficiency at higher rates than the general population.[7]

Vitamin D deficiency in obese people does not seem to have consequences for bone tissue but may affect other organs.[8]

11) Forgetfulness

If you have noticed a decrease in your energy levels or difficulty remembering things, it could be due to vitamin D deficiency.

Slow grasping new things or recognizing could be other signs.

These could also be caused due to stress or sleep deprivation.

Be sure to consult your doctor for the right course of treatment.

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12) Decreased Immunity

Individuals with low vitamin D levels often have higher infection rates.[9]

13) Premature Aging

Vitamin D deficiency can then directly impact your immune system.

A weakened immune system affects the formation of new healthy cells. This change in the construction of cells fastens the process of aging.

Vitamin D deficiency can also fasten the aging process of the skin.[10]

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 14) Headaches

Are you suffering from stress, chronic neck pain, or headaches? While these signs could be due to stress or tension, they could also signify that your body lacks vitamin D. 

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Does Vitamin D Deficiency Increase the Severity of COVID-19?

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A new study found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with severe cases of COVID-19 as well as a high rate of mortality.[11]

Another study found that those with a vitamin D deficiency were more likely to test positive for the COVID-19 virus than those with normal or high Vitamin D levels.[12]

Other research has also observed that vitamin D deficiency was evident in people who experienced acute symptoms of COVID-19 like respiratory failure.[13]

So, it is vital to check vitamin D levels with the worsening pandemic constantly because vitamin D helps boost your overall immunity and keeps you healthy.

Most importantly, ensure you take your daily dose of good health by stepping into the sun's golden rays!


The more depleted you are, the longer it takes for changes to occur.

An article in the Journal of Oncology Practice says that, generally, each 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily and what the patient is currently ingesting will raise the level of 25(OH)D by 10 ng/mL after a few weeks. [14]

However, higher intake is required for individuals who are obese because vitamin D is sequestered in adipose tissue.

You should start feeling better once vitamin D kicks in, but you should still have your levels checked every two to three months.

Remember, it's always easier to avoid deficiency than rebuild your system. So pay attention to what your body is telling you.

According to studies [15], sleep is known to have a deep connection with vitamin D. Lower vitamin D levels can adversely affect sleep quality.

Furthermore, it indicated that low vitamin D levels disturb sleep, making it difficult to stay asleep for long hours.

Vitamin D can be tested in the doctor's clinic, lab, or at home. The process is almost the same, and at-home tests are equally reliable.

Vitamin D tests need a blood sample to measure 25-OH D levels.

In a doctor's office or a lab, a trained tech draws blood from a vein in your arm. While at home, you will have to prick and squeeze a finger to collect a smaller blood sample.

There's a lot to consider when choosing an at-home vitamin D test. To select the best home test kit, you can look through the customer experiences, price, and each company's medical and business standards process.

The accuracy of vitamin D tests can depend on sample collection. User error is always possible with at-home tests, so following step-by-step instructions is essential.

Overall, at-home vitamin D tests are as accurate as traditional lab tests.

You can increase your vitamin D levels by spending time in the sun. In addition, eating foods with vitamin D, or taking supplements containing vitamin D will also help increase Vitamin D levels. Foods high in vitamin D [15] include:

  • Salmon
  • Mushrooms
  • Cheese (Cheddar)
  • Milk
  • Orange juice
  • Soy
  • Egg


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In short, vitamin D deficiency can cause a lot of damage to your health. Therefore, ensure to always look out for these signs.

If you notice any of these signs, you must consult your doctor and check your vitamin D levels regularly.

Avoid vitamin D deficiency by spending atleast 10 - 30 mins daily in the sunlight. Above all, maintain a balanced diet.

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